
A Look at SOME of the Cover Up Evidence - The Murder of Michael Jackson

Many YouTube accounts that have contained the testimony from vital people in the Conrad Murray Trial have been tampered with.  Here is just one account that has been "fixed":

The missing footage includes Michael Amir Williams testimony concerning "not lying" about speaking with Frank DiLeo the morning Michael Jackson died and the testimony from Kenny Ortega related to Randy Phillips "meeting" with Michael Jackson the day Michael Jackson died.

Here are screenshots regarding that now "missing" testimony, as well as other documents related to covering up the murder of Michael Jackson:

At point 7:00, for instance, Kathy Jorrie testified that Dr. Murray was being budgeted until the end of the This Is It tour.  However, we can see from the document following the video, Dr. Murray was indeed budgeted for only 2 months; May and June.  Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, which fell right in line with AEG's budget changes made on May 19, 2009.  Were they psychic, was it a coincidence or a planned murder . . .

Here are Conrad Murray's ACTUAL phone records (not a chart, as represented in the Conrad Murray trial).  You can see that Conrad was on the phone WHEN the 911 call was being placed.  That 911 call was again placed from the Beverly Hills Hotel, not from the home as seen in the call documenting the phone record from the emergency crew:

Here's the original trial footage with the original call location "blurred out",  The witness Richard Seneff, who was one of the 911 call responders states he doesn't know what the Beverly Hills PD part is:  The original call came from Beverly Hills, and was re-routed.  You can hear the call being transferred:

The "transferred" 911 call:  Note: Conrad Murray was on the PHONE which makes it impossible for him to be speaking with Alberto Alvarez at this time. Not to mention Alberto Alverez was obviously not at the home.  With the original call coming from the Bevery Hills Hotel, you can bet he was with Frank DiLeo having  and early "lunch".  As the woman who answers the call says 'in LA?" she transfers the call to the corresponding department.

There is more on security to come, however here's a little more on the tesimony regarding Michael Amir Williams, another security guard and Frank DiLeo:

Finally (just for this post), we have the "meeting" testimony from Kenny Ortega that is now missing from video footage.  Randy Phillips was going to pick up Michael to bring him to the rehearsal that morning:

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