
Everything is Energy

I was given a gift last night.  A short little study course to let me know how things "really are". "Everything is energy", that's all I've been hearing from Michael lately.  "I know, I know", I say.  "Give me your hands", he said. So I placed my palms face up on my lap as I meditated with him.  I could feel his hands, an energy, warm my palms.  "Now focus on your heart.  See and feel flames."  I visualized flames inside my heart center  and soon I could feel this amazing transfer of energy.  It was continuous.  I could actually feel the flow through my arms as if we were one unit.  Almost like a river rushing through my forearms and into my body.

"Now see what you can see.", he said as I continued my meditation.  I sat for just a few minutes before it came to me seemingly out of no where.  Everything is energy, we connected and we connect with all of life all the time.  If we weren't part of the tree we wouldn't be able to feel it's bark.  If we weren't part of the flower we wouldn't be able to experience it's scent.  If we weren't part of one another, we wouldn't feel anything like love or compassion.  If we weren't part of the earth, we wouldn't be able to sustain our lives with eating its fruits.

Oprah would say this was an "ah ha" moment, but this moment of clarity was so surreal.  After you've been told something so many times you think you know, but I didn't understand the explanation until last night.  Everything is energy.  Everything is simply another vibration of ourselves.  If it weren't already a part of us we would never be able to experience it.