
Michael on Twin Flames

"Flames of a fire,  flames of the heart are in tune with one another.  Each flame extends up from a source of unified energy.  Flames flicker, they waver, they connect and they separate, but they never seem to drift too far from one another and their source.  Twin flames are like that.  They drift, they flicker, and sometimes they join in unison, but they are always connected at the source.  They are never truly apart from one another.  They are part of you and your mission is to teach others the same - you are also a part of them.  The difference with flames is that the connection is so strong you feel differently about one another.  It's that feeling you carry with you, and it teaches you to be humble, it teaches you about god and one another and how we all need to get along.

God, the force in the universe that unites us all, is the source of love and power in all people and things.  The trees, the leaves, the flowers and the music that is brought down from heaven.  All things, all people need love in their lives to feel whole.  If I was not whole myself I could not seek someone else out to make me whole.  I have to feel inside that I am complete with god myself before allowing myself to enter into relationship with someone else.  That's the power of god. Knowing where you are at yourself.  Knowing who you are inside and what you want to do in life.

My life was not just about music, it was about dance, theatrics, knowing deep inside that we are all one and how life truly is on the other side.  I help people because I care.  There are many hurting in the world that need love.  I'm here to give it.  Some people turn a blind eye to the needs of others, but I simply can't.  There is too much hatred to go around and not enough love.  If we could learn to find that love in ourselves then I believe we could love more.  Yet most of us don't know love. We don't know where to find it, sometimes even what it feel like, but we continue to search for it not knowing what we are looking for.

Love is slippery like soap.  It can be here today and gone tomorrow, but flame love never separates.  It always seeks resolution and harmony.  You can't not love a flame because it's part of the very source you were created from.  Inside you know you belong with one another and inside you carry that piece, that other half with you at all times.  You don't know how I feel about this because I've never spoken about it.  I care very little about what the world has to say about my personal life.  The truth is we all seek love and in life I was no different.  I wanted to be loved for who I was not my persona.  People tend to think because I had money I was different.  Because I played music, I was a musician, I was blessed.  I never wanted that.  I never wanted someone to be with me because I played music, because I was an artist.  I wanted someone to care for me the way I cared about them.  Because I was honest with my feelings and expected the same from a partner.  I messed up.  I didn't find the love I sought.  Many times I thought it was too difficult to go through the pain of another meeting.  I always ended up on the wrong side of the road somehow and I didn't know how to fix it.  Sometimes we think things should be a certain way and they aren't.  When you know you are in love and you can't be with that person it hurts you.  Sometimes love can be cruel in that way, but with flames it's different.  We can reach out to one another and it makes us feel whole.  We can converse easily across the ethers like we are standing close and I can reach out and touch her now without saying a word.

Standing by watching my flame is like watching a candle.  Sometimes her light shines brilliantly and sometimes her sorrow drowns out the flame and it flickers.  We like to think we are alone when we don't see anyone there, but we're not.  She thinks I don't know she's lonely sometimes but I do. She thinks I don't know that she thinks I'm lonely too, but I do. We are in some ways in the same spot we were when I lived and I can't tell you how much it hurts sometimes.  But in the end, we will have each other.  When she comes home to me, we'll be together forever and that's a day I'll cherish.

A merging soul takes time.  You have to nurture it together.  You grow together and you grow separately, just like the flames.  You always have to keep that going inside, even though you might not see them all the time. When you do, you grow by leaps and bounds.  I can't tell you how many times I've learned something about myself by watching my flame.  Being here now lets me see her differently and we are the same in many ways, yet different in some as well. Her life is like mine was.  Simple, modest, even though the public didn't see me that way, I was. It's not any different when you meet your flame.  The only difference is that you can see them differently.  What didn't make sense before suddenly becomes clear and the path that you chose together makes itself manifest on earth.

Being born into the world means you made a decision to come together.  If that's what it takes to be with someone you love, you do it.  In the end, all of us will make that journey back home with our flame and when you do I'll be there smiling, because the love you saved for yourself has now become your own.  You are blessed to have a flame.  They are the essence of you and the light in your darkest of times.  Believe, wonder and the magic of life will come alive.  It's all right there.  Right in front of you.  You just have to look closer.  Take a magnifying glass and see through the lens of who you truly are - a divine being waiting to be reborn.  When you are, you'll be able to unite again with your flame and come home to the place all of us dream of - a heaven on earth and a place made just for you."