
Man in the Mirror PROJECT: Exploring the Upanishads with Sri

Kena Upanishad, Fourth Part, Verse 5:

"Then in that which is of the Self, - as the motion of this mind seems to attain to That and by it afterwards the will in the thought continually remembers It."

Message from Sri and the Brothers of Light 8/6/2013:

"Substance:  What is substance?  Substance is what you are comprised of.  Living tissue, organs, life force.  What is substance directed by?  Energy, manifestations and love.

All of life is substance, all is directed by the one acting force of love.  Love is the one prevailing energy that manifests itself within man that creates a feeling of euphoria.  This is the state of ultimate bliss we seek with the father.  For in our truly holy self, the higher part of our being, there is only love.  No hatred, no race, no weapons of destruction and no cease of being.  If there was a way to achieve enlightenment and bliss easily everyone would be walking around with a happy face at all times, but in this life our work towards the union of our high self is the goal.  To achieve this we must strive to be one with love and the father of all things - our universe.  Maya, the misqualified ideas and thoughts we have about ourselves and others always distracts us.  We think we know things, believe in things we hear and often act without consciously thinking about what or why we do things.  Listening to the universe, that part of yourself that is the whisper within, will allow you to connect to the force of life.  From there you will know what it feels like, what the words sound like, and you will not mistake it for the egocentric voice within your head.  These thought, maya, are disruptive.  They are the patterns at play in the mind that have manifested for centuries.  If you drew a picture of yourself, one maya strand of energy would encompass a room full of people.  That is how pervasive our maya is.  We must learn to break the pattern of thought and in doing so we transmit different energy to all of life.  This is the way as a master I have come to see all of life.  We each connect, each transmit and each play a part in the universal song.  What you decide to put out into the universe is what you reflect back upon yourself.  We do this without knowing.  We enter into the plan without being consciously aware.  This is why our Saint Germain has stated we are in a rut.  Sleeping still through patterns of energy that have been established for centuries even at times thousands of years.  Therefore, it is our mundane task to eliminate these patterns.

If you are up for this work it will be your responsibility to see to it that what you think, what you act on and what you decide to do in this world is a conscious choice made by you and the highest part of yourself - the God force or Brahman.  This will allow you to act with divine guidance and our brethren and others on the planet can and will more easily access the energy stored within your being.  Bringing light to the planet then will be as easy as connecting our energy with yours.  As you raise your vibration, we lower ours.  The patterns can and will be broken by both a higher power and lower vibration.  Mira has disclosed this previously.  We are one all beings, all people and the day that you realize this deep within yourself and actually feel it is the day your higher consciousness will prevail and the true light of who you are will blossom."

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