
Being Together with a Twin Flame - Union or Chaos?

I've met a lot of people since I first started this blog.  I was so very surprised to find out that so many people were aware of the twin flame relationship at first.  Then I began to see that many are still searching for their flame or simply waiting for their flame to "wake up".

I remember many years ago wondering what it would take to come together with my flame, why we were not uniting as I thought we "should" and asking myself what else could I possibly need to learn to come together with this one great love.

I couldn't see what the truth about it was.  I could feel him within me, even talk to him, but still my thoughts played out the drama of being apart.  I saw lessons in my life, the hard ones, like people abandoning me, backstabbers, cheats and users, losing a child, and facing demons and I don't mean just metaphorically.  So what else was it that I needed to do to come into union with this most precious part of myself?  I thought many of you might be asking the same thing, so today we thought it a good time to write about it.

I have to write from my experience, and so when Michael died I thought so did our connection.  That sometime later in life I would die too, and then we would be joined again.  Still at that time I did not realize that the connection I was seeking I had all along.  We humans tend to think in physical terms, that we should be united physically, but this isn't the case with flames.  It is a "soul" connection.  One that never leaves you, just one you will eventually "discover" within yourself.

Michael stayed for a year or so before Elizabeth Taylor passed.  It was then that she came forward to help Michael to come forward to say what he was here for.  It wasn't to help with his murder, it wasn't to help to even change the world, he was here to help me.  Twin flames spur each other into union.  They present opportunity for the other to grow and they maintain a connection throughout all of time.  I'd like to say we are in perfect union, but we are not.  We are still growing and still discovering much about our own patterns in life and how much we never even realized we needed to learn.

Society is used to ordering fast food with immediate gratification.  Twin flames aren't like a side of fries.  Michael would say you have to let it "simmer" for a long time.  See how it looks, if it's safe to move forward and most importantly, see how it feels.  It's for this reason that many flames wait to come together physically.  If you still have this unfinished business within yourself you could most certainly have a relationship of chaos instead of learning.  It could be one of the most damaging relationships you have ever experienced. Being apart and knowing of the connection, however, helps you to grow.  For here your thoughts are not on a "physical" relationship as you now know it and think it "should" be, it is on the divine perfection within the other.  So here too, will be your thoughts.  The journey with the flame now becomes one in companionship and love and not held by the physical boundaries and messed up thinking and patterns in our lives that we all seem to have at this time.  This is what makes it special and unique, sacred and mysterious.  Given the choice of a quick side of fries or a slow and simmered porterhouse steak, I'd have to say I'd wait for the latter.  You can never rush perfection.


Reni Sentana-Ries said...

How true, Deborah. The soul connection always comes first, and if the graces of the universe grant a physical union in consequence of the soul connection, then all power to the two. And here "death" is really no issue, for interconnected souls operate on a level where death in the physical becomes irrelevant. Their union cannot be broken up by this highly misunderstood phenomenon, and where a twin flame couple has over time exhausted their ability to make each other happy and for that reason wishes to move on to a new and perhaps even higher elevated experience of bliss with another twin at their own volition, then that will be made possible for them as well. Also at that level of personal interelationships no hurt from "separation" occurs, for all continue to remain partakers of the joy twin soul unions are bringing. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the subject. :)

ElevenSeven said...

Thanks so much Reni :)