
6  Today is the seventh day of the contest "The Twelve Days of Miracles". 

The first person who answers the question correctly wins the opportunity to have three questions answered from a psychic point of view or medium related.  They also win the opportunity to have a miracle request granted by Michael and other miracle workers willing to assist humanity this holiday season.

This contest has been brought into fruition at the request of Michael and he and many others will be working on your requests.  It's purpose is to increase the faith of mankind in divinity, the afterlife, and the angels and beings who continually work on our behalf on the other side of the veil.

To answer the question of the day, simply state the answer to the question, your name and email address in the comment line of the question of the day.  Your answers and email address will not be posted to the site.  When a winner is chosen they will be notified by email on how to proceed.  

Today's Question:  What is Brahman? 

Yesterdays Answer:  God Mind or Universal Intelligence

Universal Intelligence

The concept of man's "Spirituality" has been around since "The Beginning". In every time, in every civilization, in every tribe, in every society there have been those individuals who have found their own personal Enlightenment or "meaning_of_life" and written of their experiences, painted pictures of them, composed songs and built edifices made of stone.

Even the concept, which we translate as "god", of some form of "supernatural intelligence" or "creator" has had its existence recorded long before the "Christian" bible was ever written.

The story that "God took a being made of clay and breathed into it the Holy Spirit" which appears in Genesis also appears in Hesiod's Theogyny, 700 BC and, again in Ovids "Metamorphosis" of the first century BC. Even the story of "Adam and Eve" comes from a mistranslation of a Hebrew term for ground or earth .. adamah.

This self-identified transcendent elitist is no different from any other human in terms of ego identification as they invent words and language, courses and qualifications to try and keep both their personal and tribal boundaries clearly defined within this global consciousness.

We have existed within the developments of all "tribes" simultaneously. There is a global mind to which we are all tuned in or part of. There is a Universal Intelligence which we are all part of. The Christians call it God, the American Indian calls it Great Spirit, the Moslem calls it Allah and the Buddhist calls it Dharmakaya.

** from www.anunda.com

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