
The Man in the Mirror Project - Checking In(ward)

Too often we can get caught up in the affairs of the day.  Our work schedule, kids, phone calls, family obligations and responsibilities, the list can go on and on.  Ego most often likes to keep us busy, but when it comes to who we truly are there is a being present beneath the ego who represents the real us.

Checking in(ward) means checking in with that being.  The real self is covered up by a sheath of ego and to begin to let that ego peel away we have to not only start noticing our patterns, but let them peel away like an onion.  There are many ways we can check in and by doing so we can actually burn off parts of the ego.  In meditation for instance. you sit quietly.  When your mind thinks of a thought or sees an image, we are taught to let it go.  Like a freight train with cars, the moment you focus on the thought it brings with it many more.  So when you let the mind just be, not attaching it anything, those thoughts that we are normally linking to something else drop away.  This is how we begin to drop the sheath of ego and misqualifications (creations) of energy within our field of energy.

Other forms of checking in(ward) may be to walk quietly through a park, yoga, running, or even bicycling.  Any quiet activity that allows your mind to rest and just be.

Checking in(ward) is necessary for balance in our lives and most often necessary if we want to bring ourselves back to the real us within.  Taking time, even just five minutes a day, is worth finding the real you and worth discovering what you can really become.

This weekend try to take just five minutes out of your day both on Saturday and Sunday.  Sit in a quiet place and focus just on your breath.  Feel the air come in through your nostrils and back out, concentrating on taking full breaths and exhales at first, then letting yourself fall into the rhythm of your natural breath.  Now just be.  Listening inward, perhaps you can hear the blood pumping through your veins like the beat of a drum, or the sweet sound of your voice permeating your head.  Whatever you hear, whatever comes in, let it go.

Don't neglect the inner part of you.  Let it come through and nourish it as you would your body and you will see amazing transformations in your life.

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