We've been away from our creator for a very long time. On this planet we have come in duality. Meaning we have either taken a female or male form when we entered into the earth. Our true selves, when created, were whole. If you've looked at other philosophies you'll see the history as in the yin/yang symbol. Here there are two opposite polarities-one male and one female. I like this representation because it also has part of the other polarity within the other. This is how we were created. That's exactly how Michael and I connected.
Below are some definitions of the types of soul mates you will encounter on your way back to wholeness. With each relationship you will find that you begin to open to a greater awareness of love between all peoples. That is why in a previous post I said that with a twin flame relationship, other relationships are not only optional, they are mandatory. We have to chart the course and enter the journey step by step. We can't jump from our currently density to enlightenment all in one movement. It takes time. That's why they symbolize the process in some traditions by the lotus flower. It's seed begins in the murky, dark depths and through time, patience, persistence, and in our case, learning, we reach the light and unfold our petals into the brilliance of who we truly are.
Michael Jackson is one of my twin flames. If you read the definition below, you'll realize the purpose of our relationship is/was not just to have a romantic relationship, it is/was to complete our mission together.
A Soul Mate is someone whom you've shared many past lives with. They have a familiar energy and you will find that you immediately "resonate" with them and have the feeling of knowing them before.
A Twin Soul is a like vibrational frequency. Each individual has twelve Twin Souls as in the twelve disciples of Jesus. These twelve are extremely close to your earthwork.You will feel as if you have known and worked with one another forever, and truly you have. This is likened to the twelve Ascended Masters you will link up to on your climb to the Christ Light.
A Twin Flame is a being you have worked extremely closely with from the Galaxy on down into a third dimensional life form. This was set up long ago and you have kept the same Twin Flames for eons. There are seven Twin Flames you are connected to. Besides the Twin Ray, this will be your closest bond to an entity. Whichever level of light one is at, you will have the ability to reconnect with the Mighty Seven. It will assist to further your own enlightenment. These are integrated before reaching the level of the Twin Ray.
Needless to say that many Twin Flame relationships are of great remembrance and love to all. They are also both genders. Although there is a great love for one another, any romantic involvement will always take a backseat to the mission they share together.
There is a special bond between Twin Flames, and you will forever be connected at the heart. It moves beyond human sexuality and into the purity of devotion for working together through these cycles. You have been through much, and after the Twin Ray split, the first relationship one enters into is with a Twin Flame. At the level we split, there was not yet time to learn jealousy, we just created and experienced in the love of our Source.
The Twin Ray is the ultimate. There is no need to look further for source as this is experienced with one another. The joy at this time as we have prepared long for this event is overwhelming even for the many Ascended Masters awaiting this reunion. You are the same Godspark that came from the loving embrace of Mother/Father God. It is quite a gift that we are coming into harmony with the one other half of ourselves.
There is much disbelief with this event, and I can only tell you that it is well worth the wait. For those who refuse to accept, you only prolong your advancement, as many ascensions are tied into the reunification with the Twin Ray. After working to reconnect and taking the time every day and night to complete the energy work necessary, your Twin Ray is then known as the Consort. Both of your missions are one and the same. The responsibility is held equally by both of you. At this point you have proven yourself worthy of the title, as together you have both conquered the densities to return as one love, one life, one entity.
Each person will have a unique situation, and therefore all Twin Ray couplings will occur differently, as there is closure necessary from many experiences learned by both parties. In addition to ascending, the Twin Ray merge will take a daily conscious effort. So many of you feel that deep inner knowing, but have not been able to express this as the earth consciousness has not allowed for divine relationships in a long time.
There have been some instances when you have traveled together on earth. Some Twin Rays of earth partners are on a Galactic Star; or perhaps your Twin Ray is a universal being. The last scenario is the rarest. Also, some of you will electromagnetically connect with the perfect mate here already on earth. This would be a Soul Mate, Twin Flame, or Twin Soul.
Some Twin Rays in the upper dimensions are not ready to reconnect. This comes only by the approval of one's Higher Self. So many different situations, yet each one is perfect for the individual. Whichever level you intend to reconnect with, there will be shifts in your life, and Spirit will not give you what you cannot handle. For instance, if one is happily married on Earth, you can commit to a Twin Ray at an energetic level while working here. This for the time being is perfect. No Twin Ray will interrupt a harmonious environment. This being only wants the highest and best and is willing to wait for Divine time.
Quotes from Elizabeth Taylor:
(on Michael Jackson) What is a genius? What is a living legend? What is a mega star? Michael Jackson - that`s all. And when you think you know him, he gives you more . . . I think he is one of the finest people to hit this planet, and, in my estimation, he is the true King of Pop, Rock and Soul.
You left one off. Its called the "near" twin soul.
"You and your twin soul or twin flame together are one of these pairs of 6 in your primary soulmate group. The other 5 sets of twins in your primary soulmate group are known as your "near twins". Since each Monad, as depicted above, contains 144 individuals in total, the other 132 outside of your primary soulmate group in your Monad are known as your secondary soulmates. Sometimes when one meets a "near twin" in life, they can easily mistake them for the one and only true twin soul or twin flame. However, if the one and only true twin soul or flame steps into the picture eventually, the confusion is readily cleared up because there is no mistaking the true twin flame. Your intuition will let you know in no uncertain terms. There is a feeling of spiritual love and awareness unmatched by any other love you may have felt in the past."
i thought the twin soul was your ultiment one. this is alot to take in. i hope i can be prepared to have met and experince being with my other halfs . when people start to talk about the soulmate and twinflame relationship it makes me think that i have one too.
You do sweetheart. You can email me if you want to talk more about it. I would perfer to talk about it in private though. I will leave my email on your page.
It wont let me post it on your page :(
Wow! Thanks Nicole. I'm not sure where you got that one from but it makes my head spin! lol I think it might be safe to say that this is how we are all connected to one another. At some level we are all part of one another.
Thank you for posting the information! :)
You do. Everyone does, but you are connected to all beings as well. So when you see another person, just practice seeing a part of you in them, twin or not. In this way it will help develop the awareness that all beings are part of one another.
I think it important to note that you should not "seek" to be just with a twin. There is a process. The relationships you find you resonate with are those you are supposed to be in for your learning. Twin soul, twin flame, etc. are only terms. We cannot as humans define what it is that is our spiritual nature. Don't try and "figure" out what a twin is or not. That's only the ego seeking to do something about it and label it. Just be and move into alignment with your higher self and inner feelings. It is there that you will be drawn to your highest vibrational counterparts and them to you.
I was talking to Star.
thanks @ Nicole i appreciate that. and @ deb has been more than helpful too.
Karmic, Companion and Twin Flames.
1.The karmic soul mate: experience is very common. You can have many of these in a lifetime. They enter your life to teach you an important lesson. Karmic soul mates can be co-workers, family members or close friends. One young woman particularly close to me comes to mind.
2.companion soul mate:
A companion soul mate relationship can be a relationship that is romantic in nature. It involves your wife/husband or someone you are intimate with. Oftentimes, these soul mates are not destined to be with us forever but, like Karmic soul mates, are brought into our lives for a purpose.
3. twinflame:
This is the highest form of soul mate connection. Your twin soul is your other half; to find your twin soul is like finding yourself. We go through our life searching and searching, and what we don't realize is that we are looking for someone just like us. Sometimes, we find them in this life and, other times, in other lives.
another great blog: http://indigolifecenter.wordpress.com/2008/01/29/your-twin-flame/
a false twin: Sometimes in our enthusiasm we see a twin when he or she is not one. In a joyful relationship, the mistake is understandable. However, the mistake may be stretched until both parties are hurt, more so by the dreamer. We grab at the similarities and enlarge them to fantasy level. Then when the relationship is dying, when everybody else can see it, the illusion is still perpetuated to our great cost.In our loneliness, we are very vulnerable. We ourselves may construct the delusion and the make belief will drive us further away from our true twin.The time to meet our twin is beyond our control. It entirely depends on the spiritual progress of the twins. After sounding the warning above, I would like to end this section with a cheerful note. As we cross over to the Aquarian age, there will be many meetings of twin souls, much more than hitherto. This is the good news. That also means that at each meeting the twosome will emit a light much brighter than the sum of two. It also means that with so many twins joining up throughout the whole world, there will be a great proliferation of lights across the globe, and this on its own will change the consciousness of planet earth. We would certainly be entering the age of enlightenment during this Aquarian age.
Oh yes a i forgot about that one too, the "false twin."
Mm hmm....yes...
I am a friend of Joanna's & I have spent time at Never land.
I read your blog and there are some things that don't make sense to me.
I am trying to understand why Michael said that Conrad Murray wouldn't be found guilty when he was.
Are you sure you don't have an entity or demonic spirit pretending to be Michael?
Michael always announced the women in his life that he loved. Diana Ross, Princess Diana, Elizabeth Taylor.
Michael also turns words into names and things in his songs. Kind of like how he says Shamone! He just said Debbie, but I find it a bit ridiculous for you to claim that
he said your name in scream because he sang to you through his songs. Why would he include your name in a song that is talking about the system sucking with Janet?
Do you know how many other woman claim to have Michael Jackson as a Twin-Flame?
I have spoken to many women who have a spirit with them the same as you.
You think skeptism is healthy? Well, I hope you answer my questions.
I am really not trying to be mean, I am just trying to understand.
I used to have a spirit that tried to speak to me as Michael too.
The spirit even revealed to me what MJ's estate was doing and I found in the future that it was right. However, the spirit was a phony.
Michael Jackson had a very large mission to fulfill on Earth and he wouldn't spend time in the after-life playing around with a singular woman. God needs Michael for bigger
purposes. I find it a bit selfish for a few of you women to think that Michael would single you out only when he had such a huge spiritual mission.
Furthermore, your breakdown of Twin-souls/Twin-Rays/Twin-Whatever, is totally confusing and unrealistic. a TWIN is a double, not a triple or a quadruple.
You are going to confuse people. Instead of twin-ray you should say quadruple-ray, so then people won't get confused.
Now, I looked at a picture of you because I was curious. You and Michael Jackson look nothing alike in spirit or in physical features. Usually while reading Twin-Souls, you
will see a similarity in aura or even the physical. You don't remind me anything of Michael Jackson.
I would have rather not written this on your blog because it would probably embarrass you, but if you insists, then I will.
Again, please do not take this the wrong way. I am just being 100% clear and honest with you.
Good day!
If I were going to choose ANYBODY to be a Twin-Ray or Twin-Flame of Michael Jackson, it would have been PRINCESS DIANA. She reminds me of Michael Jackson more than any woman I have ever laid eyes on.
They had a lot in common and Michael Jackson OPENLY said that he felt a CONNECTION to HER. Not you. You don't have any proof and all you can say is " you keep it private" or it will be "in my book" .
Why do you need to WRITE and SELL a book? Trying to make money off of our beloved Michael Jackson?
Why not just post it on the blog?
Hmmm..... Furthermore, if the spirit with you is experiencing human emotions, and telling you things about people, places, and treating you like a lover, you need to run. Especially if the spirit AVOIDS the light.
I am a psychic and I am also a reader of auras and all. You have an unnatural entity with you.
Michael Jackson had one of the biggest missions ever on Planet Earth. He does not have time to play around in the spiritual realm with you or anyone else.
God needs him for greater things, as I said.
You have everything correct. Nice work.
hi elevenseven,
u said that michael jackson isnt ur only twin flame so my question is why do u point out michael jackson only??? why dont u talk about ur other connections?????
See, let me tell you something Ms. Debbie.
You told me that skepticism was healthy. I was not disrespectful towards you. I did not call you crazy.
However, you seem like the type that only will accept comments or emails where a person is either kissing your butt, or will agree to your twin-flame story about you and Michael. You can not tell me what I know or don't know about twin-flames because you have not yet given you my take on it. Just because I believe you are not Michael Jackson's Twin-Soul does not mean I don't have an idea of what one is. Just because you say there are such things as Twin-Flames, Twin-Rays or whatever does not make it the gospel.
You come off as like you know everything and that your word is the final say. You are talking to a psychic, a metaphysical expert, and a person who has a Twin-Flame themselves, as well. I also been to Never Land and will be posting an older picture of myself with Michael and a few others. That piece of paper that you sent me might have been your proof that you were at the speech, however, you do not convince me as Michael Jackson's Twin-Flame. If you are not here to prove to me that you are Michael Jackson's Twin-Flame, then who are you here to prove it to? I am just as much a view and reader as anyone else and you have to PROVE you are Michael Jackson's Twin-Flame to all viewers if we are looking to buy your book for whatever reason or motive we might have.
You should expect negative, testing, positive, skeptic, and all responses on your blog because you posted something about such a UNIVERSAL and loved man, Michael Jackson.I also think as Michael Jackson's Twin-Flame, you should be able to handle any such scrutiny with a breeze because you ARE Michael Jackson;s "Twin-Flame" However, you are having a hard time with legit questions coming from me because you probably do not want to face certain areas that clearly do not add up. I am a reader and a writer and I am on your blog because it interested me. I asked all of my questions, not to argue, but to simply question you and put your story to the test. It is my right since you put it up for any viewer to read. Now, if you are going to be an author of an upcoming book about Michael Jackson, you should be willing and ready to answer any question and remain unlimited in all that there is, no matter what the other person is asking.
But, because you have deleted my comments, you are looking even more WRONG and suspicious than before. All I wanted was legit answers to the questions.
You said Michael predicted that Conrad wouldn't be found guilty but, he was. As I have said, I've had spirits with me as well, that claimed to be Michael. They did his dance moves the exact way Michael did it, told me things I didn't know. I have the same mission as you, but those spirits are having fun in the astral realm with you and with everyone else who is being tricked.
You do not have Michael in my opinion. You have an evil entity that is being mischievous. As I said, you don't remind anyone anything of Michael. There are others who greatly did. Again, I am not attacking, I am just raising valid points for you to answers, especially as an up and coming author.
If you can not handle it, then maybe you should re-think the whole thing about writing your little book about one of the most loved & well known people of the world.
If not, then I suggest you handle the scrutiny and answer the questions like a real woman instead of skipping over questions that might hinder what this entity told you, or perhaps what your own mind has made up. Don't make excuses.
You are looking biased.
It would behoove you to think about what I am telling you. It is your own spirit you are letting these spirits toy with. I might be of some help.
The fact that you require approval on your blog was to be expected.
This is a manipulative tactic of yours to make viewers only think people are saying positive things about your blog.
Doing this, will not give the full truth about how people REALLY feel.
You need to allow all comments. Especially if you want people to REALLY believe you.
If you can provide a legitimate answer to the scrutiny, it will be more credible.
Are you looking to make money off of Michael?
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