When we started the Man in the Mirror Project, my thoughts were that it was something new. I thought "wow this is really something we can make a difference with. Something that hasn't been done before." But, just this past weekend I was working on the book doing some editing. I ran into the part where Michael had made his speech about the Heal the Kids Foundation and realized what I never realized before.
There were two twin souls named Sri Aurobindo and Mother, quite a while back. I remember reading that Mother used to say she thought she would get an original idea only to find that Sri had already had the idea some time prior. This was one of those experiences that reminded me of that, because as I read Michael's speech over I found that his speech for Heal the Kids was about the exact patterns we are trying to break down with the Man in the Mirror Project. It is about the patterns set forth through the parent/child relationship and how we need to heal ourselves, even that child within us, so that our children and their children can continue to heal the world. These patterns have been established through our race, ethnicity, location, religion, country of origin and families. When you think about it all of these establishments and people had and have their own thoughts. All of them had their own points of view and all of them were most likely a "misqualified" thought of an ego based belief, not something pure from the God source.
So getting back to our pure essence and breaking through all of these layers of thought takes some reflecting. Michael used to reflect out in nature. Looking at the trees, the flowers and how nature operated reminded him of how we were created and how life should be. Everything in nature is in perfect balance. One giant symphonic orchestra, perfectly tuned with all of creation. We too can tap into that pure source by clearing our energies and clearing our thoughts.
So the exercise for this part of the Man In the Mirror Project is to be aware when other people come into your life with differing opinions. Reflect upon how the opinions they express have been formed. Think about their background, their experiences, their nationality and maybe even their religion. Don't judge them! Just observe. If your opinion differs from theirs, think about why. Reflect upon your background, your experiences, your religion and how your beliefs came into existence.
When you are done with that part, ask yourself after each thought or belief "Is it true?" Meaning, do I know absolutely that my thought or my opinion is absolutely true. Is it based on what I was told or what I KNOW. Keeping this in mind, it allows us to be more open to others beliefs. It allows us not to judge, but to observe. As a child would do, it allows you to wonder about the creation of it. Even within yourself, wonder about how those thoughts came to be. Like a child, just notice, don't judge even yourself. These are just thoughts, let them be just thoughts. When you sort out what is your divine self and those thoughts that were imposed upon you, you can finally let them go. Decide to send them away by replacing them with something else. If the thought is "All middle eastern people are terrorists" replace it with "All races are my family. We are all human and our family name is humanity."
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