We've had many posts about how to come back to our true nature's, our original selves through The Man in the Mirror Project. We talked about how we as individuals CREATE just as our creator has created us. We can create by our thoughts and our emotions. Those are specific things that transmit energy into the world and make those creations manifest.
Currently, we are creating using God, Allah energy, but because we have so many subconscious patterns from society, our families, and even prior lifetimes we tend to "misqualify" this pure form of energy. Being mindful of how we are feeling and questioning it, and what we are thinking and questioning that are two very crucial steps in uncovering our real identities. It's almost as if we are undercover agents, not fully aware of who is undercover just yet!
So yesterday I got to thinking, maybe it's hard to understand how these creations come in the way of our being and our relationships. So I thought I'd share some personal experiences to show you how this works.
I was recently contacted by a former employer. His contact reminded me of a situation I was able to witness and reflect upon for my own learning. We had a gentleman who was working for the company who was very loyal. He went out of his way to do the best work possible and felt he gave everything he had. The employer was grateful and in the beginning the relationship was wonderful. They valued each other and shared a mutual respect. After a while the employee felt he was being mistreated. He had owned his own company and felt he should be given more freedom and responsibility in the company. The owner held tight to his company and didn't want to just "give" anything away even though the employee had shown he was trustworthy and on his side. I worked in the office and as I watched the situation transpire both the employer and the employee confided in me. The employer grew critical of the employee. He began to mistrust him and believe that he was trying to undermine the company and take over. The employee grew critical of the employer, believing he was not given just rewards and freedom and was now being treated like a criminal. As both these ideas literally "blossomed" and "grew" into the minds of these men, so did their stubbornness and anger. They both were literally CREATING their own realities based on their own THOUGHTS of each other and not the actual situation. Soon these thoughts were so powerful, the two were obviously not communicating or open with each other at all. Rest assured, however, their thoughts continued about each other. Each CREATING a story about the other, that was, again, not necessarily true.
In the end, the employer had the employee escorted out by the police, firing him in the most emotional brutal way I had ever seen.
As I was privy to seeing these events transpire I was certain that neither one of them knew they were creating their own situations. They themselves based on their ego need for control and ownership and their own personal fears of being used, allowed those energies to once again play a part in the creation of their every day lives. Never realizing that if they only stepped back to see how they were contributing to the problem by thinking thoughts that were never true, only reflections on what they had already had within them, they would have been able to transcend this situation and come to a mutual agreement and compromise. The fact that this didn't happen, told me that both the employer and employee would have to go through the same kind of event until they "got it".
When my employer contacted me recently, I learned that now, after being an owner of a company himself, he is now the employee. This is karma in action. This is our misqualified energy and how we tend to use it. If we are mindful, we can change it, but only if we want to.
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