
My Twin Flame Soul Mate Reading

I had a psychic reading done a year or so ago and recently was honored to hear another woman's twin soul reading.  I've posted mine here to share.

I did not know this lady and she did not know who my twin flame soul mate was . . you'll hear for yourself what she had to say.  It's pretty transparent but I think nice to share for others going through the twin flame phenomenon.

I hope you find it as fascinating as I did. (From 2011 and yes she mentions MURDER)


Reni Sentana-Ries said...

Thank you, Deborah, for sharing such a personal reading with us. Your soul is as white as the driven snow, and you know it, and therefore have nothing to hide when you open it up to the world the way you do. You labour in love and in the absence of all guile, and all the good things spoken of in this reading will come to pass and enrich your life.

May the umbrella of divine protection shield you and your friends in the work you do for the enlightenment of the human race and may you witness truth rising to the top for all to see.

ElevenSeven said...

Thank you for taking the time to listen.

Your kind words of support and encouragement are appreciated more than you know. Our work is one in the same. May all beings be happy and free to know the truth of their potential and light. My only hope is that they take the time to realize their dreams and act upon them.
I would say the same for you and your work, your lovely words and unending support of the brotherhoods. We're like the three musketeers, all for one and one for all! lol. Anyway, truly a heartfelt thanks and blessings of protection, love and guidance are always upon you <3