
The Shift and Connections

Since I started this blog, I've come to be aware of many people having experiences in the not so ordinary realm.  Many have been with Michael Jackson.  Some have even been with other people often in the media.

For as long as life has been in existence we have sought out to connect with one another.  A person who believes he or she is a diver will seek out other divers for a shared connection.  French people relate to French people and many religions and other "societies" operate the same way.

In love we seek to connect from the heart.  We hope for partner to share with and who will love us. Most often we are seeking unconditional love.  The soul remembrance from the time when we were first created.

All of these things are currently coming to the forefront of society.  Spiritual experiences are more openly discussed, and twin flame soul mates have catapulted to a place I never dreamed of.  Yet with all of these experiences, comes a very crucial element as well.  When an experience is made manifest in our life, we interpret it.  Our interpretation is most often done with what we know to be true.  We can only operate on what we already know.  We can only decipher what is transpiring from what we already feel inside of us.

Sometimes these things can get distorted.  We all have colored lenses that we look through based on our view of the world.  That view is what experience has taught us.  What we ourselves believe about the world around us.  It's the same analogy when we ask two people if the glass is half full or half empty.  We will always have a different interpretation.

As we shift into the new consciousness, the same type of complexities of interpretation are bound to occur.  Two people with an identical experience can interpret the same from two differing points of view.  As we continue on our journey we must be open to the reasoning that everyone will have a differing internal dialog from which they are speaking.

Just as in nature, our spirits or souls, will always seek to join back together.  We simply seek "connection" with one another.  This is present in our society in the formation of groups, churches, ethnicity and marriages.  We simply want to feel as if we "belong".

At our deepest levels we do belong.  We belong to a greater whole that is currently seeking to connect with the whole of ourselves.  We belong in the myriad of spaces that fill the void and complete the picture of ONE.  As we seek and our souls seek to connect, we will have many experiences that point to connections with others.  We may have a dream, a vision or even hear a voice.  But how we interpret that connection with the whole can make the difference between confusion and enlightenment.

For every ying, there is a yang.  The balance on the planet always seeks to maintain uniformity. There is dark and light and just like on this side of the veil, the other side contains both good intended individuals, and the not so good ones.  Discernment here then is crucial, when we try to interpret a psychic manifestation.  Remembering that all things are connected and that no one of us are separate from the other.  We are all part of the same big spiritual family we were born from.

Sometimes looking at nature helps us see what is transpiring for the human race as well.  Previously we spoke about "strings".  Strings are energy lines that connect us to a person when we speak telepathically or when we pray for someone in need.  These strings form connections and if we see them with our eyes they would look similar to the video below.  This is a video of cells, seeking to connect just as we do in the human race:

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