Maybe you've seen the video of the Court Cover Up in the Conrad Murray Trial. We explored the charts that were used instead of actual phone records, the 911 phone call that came from The Beverly Hills Hotel and not Michael Jackson's home and the extravagant way the prosecutor David Walgren took the liberty of unsealing evidence to place a bottle of propofol in a slit IV bag right in front of the jury to now enter it as NEW evidence to prove his theory.
Now let's take a look back at what went on behind the scenes in the form of actual statements from the court and the rumblings before the actual trial.
In the document below, entitled "Jackson Prosecutors' Internal War", you'll find that there were actual "fights" between the Bureau of Investigation in Jackson's death and the District Attorney's office. I would imagine looking back, that may have been because the investigative office probably knew what actually happened.
Although as we do know now, it was the District Attorney himself that took the liberty of not only staging a conviction for someone who was not guilty of the crime, but filing documents to conceal the evidence that could have exonerated Conrad Murray.

The insurance company, Lloyds of London, was suing AEG Live for FRAUD. That's right, fraud. This means, as stated by wikipedia: "a deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain."
You'll notice in the above document that not only was Lloyds suing AEG, but Jackson LLC. Jackson LLC was NOT Michael Jackson.
This timely undertaking was done by the request of the Michael Jackson Estate. You'll see they filed for a motion to quash those records just ONE day before District Attorney Cooley filed the Amicus Curiae. Now that's service!
Not even a month later, the trial for Dr. Conrad Murray began. On September 27, 2011 Conrad Murray was tried for manslaughter. The court did NOT allow the Lloyds of London insurance documents, the court filing that Lloyds was suing AEG for fraud or the contract Michael Jackson had with AEG Live. Stating that they were not "relevant".
You'll see in the documents below from the California Courts itself in its response to Conrad Murray's appeal, that they simply felt the allowance of such evidence would cause a "distraction and a sideshow".
Now I don't work in the courts, but it would seem to me that a life insurance policy that was put into effect just 3 days prior to someone's death that paid in the millions of dollars naming someone who publicly stated he would bring death to Michael Jackson wouldn't seem like a side show to me. The actual court case, however, which took the time to have Michael's personal chef specifically reveal what and how she prepared Michael's meals, certainly does seem to be both irrelevant AND a sideshow.
You'll want to note that most all of the actors and actresses of the trial were promoted. Both prosecuting attorney's received advancements in their careers and the chef earned celebrity status with both news coverage and a new book. It takes a professional chef to leave granola soaking in almond milk.
You'll most likely remember that the Conrad Murray Trial was televised. It was stated in the record of appeal for Conrad Murray (below) that this case was an "unusual case" and that the trial may be "the most publicized in history." Dr. Murray's legal counsel argued that there is a danger that is created when a trial is managed for the purposes of entertainment and television ratings. Given the review of that trial, I'd have to say this was Hollywood at it's finest. Not only do we have actors in the movies, but in the court room as well.
The courts have certainly made "history". Convicting someone who wasn't guilty of the crime and covering up more of Michael Jackson's REAL life and legacy. Beware friends. If this is how history is recorded, we'd better think twice when we read our history books!
The video below shows prosecuting attorney taking out evidence and putting in another vial of evidence to support his claim that Dr Murray left Michael Jackson with an IV "drip" that caused his death rendering it acute propofol intoxication - Homicide (hom·i·cideˈnoun NORTH AMERICAN
the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder as revealed by the autopsy reports.
Deliberate killing, as revealed by those reports, is not "involuntary manslaughter". Killing someone over an insurance policy and a movie to make money, however, is.
Here is David Walgren, the prosecuting attorney taking the stage:
In the same breath the courts stated that "justice trumps everything". . . "regardless of cost".
And that justice would be where?
And although Mr. Walgren went through such pains to entice the jury into believing his theory, they still were not willing to test "actual evidence.
These items had actual propofol in them and they weren't put there during a trial. As stated from the autopsy report itself, it was homicide by "injection", not an IV drip.
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HOW DID INJURY OCCUR? Intravenous injection by another |
The Conrad Murray Appeal document can be found in its entirety here:
Perhaps those of us that are fighting for the truth and ACTUAL justice, should consider joining the circus. I'm considering doing a nude photo with evidence posted all over me. Maybe that will finally get the attention this case deserves. LaToya it may be time to re-visit the Playboy mansion.