Take that all away and we are left with no one but ourselves. A superimposed ego is just that, a superimposed ego. Something you put on top of yourself to show the world. Nothing underneath shines through and the real you is covered up. Nothing authentic and nothing that tells you you are worth something because you are unique. It doesn't allow you to be you and you can't find you because you're too busy relying on everyone and everything else to tell you who you "should" be.
Following your heart means following the wisdom within you. You first have to get all of the "should be's" out of your life. The "should do's" should follow. Then, when you are left with only yourself you can ask yourself what is right for "me". The real answers, your spiritual truth should follow. This truth is yours and only yours. This is the true you and the you no one else can tell you about, because it comes only from within you. It's not the commercial on TV that says this is the way your life should look or the girl on the magazine that shows you what you should look like. It is the way you feel about what you do, what you look like and what you want to achieve in the world. Your spiritual truth is who you are in every way and in every fashion. It is your signature, your branding, your style and stamp on the world. If you were meant to be like everyone else god would have made you that way. He didn't.