The Time Has Come…
"It is now I see and feel that calling once again, to be part of a music that will not just connect but, make all feel one, one in joy, one in pain, one in love, one in service and in consciousness."
- Michael Jackson, 2009
When the love of a twin soul knocks it might knock
you off your feet.
Famous twin flames knock louder
Their fame in the public forum makes it almost
impossible to escape "recognizing" this other
part of yourself. Every time they are on the news,
in the paper or in a magazine, your soul lets you
know there is something there you can't deny.
I had a friend request today's post. This is a touchy subject, but an important one, so I wanted to attempt to address the issue of "famous twin flame soul mates" as best I could today.
As we have approached and are entering into a new age of consciousness, more and more people have been waking up to the subtle energies around us. As we as individuals raise our vibrations, we emit those energies to our world. The energy of the world and the other people in it then also benefit by getting their vibrations raised. (It may be time to thank the Dalai Lama and his monks for keeping the earths vibration up for all of us all these past years.)
It would stand to reason then that many people, not only just the ones that are working toward a higher consciousness, but even those that haven't, would begin to have experiences. Experiences that are not termed as "normal" experiences in our everyday culture. These are the things that happen to you and you are afraid to tell anyone because you fear that they won't believe you or that they will think you're crazy.
Maurie D Pressman M.D., used to say "crazy" is a relative term. Relative because it depends on what situation you are speaking of and who. What are the details and is the situation at all possible? Crazy then maybe crazy today but make absolute sense tomorrow.
Experiences with a twin flame soul mate can sometimes make you feel "crazy". These aren't every day occurrences, they are not something we were ever taught about and sometimes in our minds, it seems so "out there" it's extremely hard to believe even when the "experiences" are happening to you.
Twin flame soul mate experiences are experiences that will guide you back to source. Source light is located in your source - your soul. So our everyday stuff that we normally operate in will seem very different than the "soul experience". Soul experiences are held in the subconscious mind. If you liken it to splitting into a male and female at earth entry from the soul, you can liken the mind being split into duality as well: conscious and subconscious.
The subconscious mind, that part that is asleep, is the part that holds the memories of the soul or lets say can transmit them to you from your soul. Sometimes you will dream of things, get answers to problems in your dreams, and yes even get prophetic dreams about what will transpire in the future. All of these things hold value because they are letting you know there is another part of yourself that is connected to the whole. A part of you hidden that can speak in languages mankind has never verbalized. This is the language of the soul.
When you begin to work on bringing that language and communication into consciousness - which means into your waking life, you will also begin to remember more about who you are, maybe who you were in a past life and also any connections at a soul level. Now all of us at some level or another have a soul connection to every other member of the human race, but just like we might "resonate" with some people more than others, our soul connections are the same. Some bonds are simply stronger than others and in the end our original creations had to come from a splitting of the whole. Maurie Pressman used to call this our evolution and involution processes. Splitting from source and now as we make our way back, uniting in wholeness.
That truly is where we are headed, toward unity consciousness. As we do, twin flame soul mates will make special contributions with the energy they share as well as the work they have accomplished in raising their awareness and vibration. Just like the Dalai Lama and the monks as they chant to raise the vibration of the earth, we have many individuals and groups around the globe that do the same - they just don't necessarily shave their heads and wear orange colored robes.
Many people will begin uniting with their twin and as they do some twins will be in the public eye. Each twin pairing has a purpose and if you do find yourself with a twin in the public eye, you most likely will probably have a very special and unique mission with that twin that will only reveal itself in time.
In the meantime, you may struggle greatly. The famous twin soul is a love hate relationship. Most famous twin flames are famous because many people love them. Many people connect with them and you will feel at times that your experiences may not be valid because of others making similar claims. You may feel that the followers of this person may be superficial or that your twin wouldn't want anything to do with you because of all the loving, admiring fans they have already. You may get angry because the followers of this person may claim ownership of this individual. You may get tested when publicity about the person is wrong. You might get uncomfortable when images appear again and again, or news reports about the person seem to never stop. You might even get uncomfortable because they may have a significant other and the public forums let you know about it . . . all the time.
There is definitely more testing when your flame is public. Other flames that are not so famous get to bask on the river bank for a while. It's a gradual opening into the flame experience that is subtle and not face first all the time. With a famous twin in this day and age, there is no getting around the fact that if this is indeed your twin, it will be right there in your face, all the time. The more famous, the more "in your face" this person will be.
In a normal concept of twin souls, you might say "what's wrong with that?". Twins are about love after all. And to that I would say you're right, but the path to the twin is completely underestimated. Twins mirror everything about you and there is no escaping your bond. Having a twin "in your face" at every turn doesn't allow you to rest back on the river bank and pretend it's not happening. If it's not "your time" to come together and you see this person being splashed all over the papers with confirmation after confirmation regarding your soul experiences, it can get very frustrating. You question why, you question the relationship, and you question why you can't just move away from it. It can be very agonizing to wait for this type of soul mate relationship to reveal itself and the purpose of it. The best you can do is give it time. Trying to reveal yourself through thousands of fans makes you feel even that much more "crazy". It's hard to explain what sets you apart from anyone else in the "real world". Nothing on the outside tells them you are any different. It's only on the inside that you know the real truth. Yet, it will also be on the inside of the famous twin that recognizes you and that's the most important part.
There will be fans that will have experiences and make claims. At first you may want to defend your experiences. You may be curious about theirs. Depending on your level of understanding, you'll come to realize the opening and fullness that twin flame relationships bring. You are working with one another on a soul level to expand the love of our father. In doing that, the love will be expanded from your twin. If he or she is in the public eye guess who gets the benefit of it? Their fans, the people who are in the public forum they touch. They will feel the radiating divine energy of their soul and higher self vibrating into their own fields and fall even more in love with the person radiating the energy. You are in essence affecting humanity itself; subtly, slowly and ever more beautiful as the love between you grows. Many fans may mistake this for romantic love. Know that it's divine love they feel. The love that they too know from their very creation.
This really is a beautiful thing, because as hurtful and as hard as the struggle can be internally for a twin in the public eye, the benefit of your internal union that the two are able to give the world are immense. If you have a famous twin, you must always keep this in mind. The union of your souls, the sheer purpose and reason for your merging at this time is to bring others into harmony and love as well. If you are on the nonpublic side, your energy will work silently with your twin. There is no separation internally between the two and your energy will be a catalyst in spurring the other twin into a higher resonating vibration because your merging internally will be felt by him or her. Creative fields then, get more creative and you yourself will see a difference in the demeanor of your twin when it happens. Michael used to say "I can feel the music flowing again." It's that creative force within that activates and needs to be expressed through love.
Famous twin flames happen for a reason. You have chosen to come here for that purpose and must take your view of them up one more notch than a "normal" flame relationship. Remembering that the "two" are always working for the benefit of the "whole".
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Thank you for keeping us in your "hearts" |
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Tibetan Heart chakra Note the "triangles" superimposed "creating" love energy |