Twin flame soul mates are from the same energetic blueprint. That blueprint resides in the spiritual part of them both - the soul. If I were to build a house I would first start with a blueprint or plan. That blueprint would be the intended design of the house or in this case the soul. This is what will give the twins their mission, drive and passion. These things that were set into motion from the beginning through their energetic blueprint, will be the same for both twins. This is the driving force and motivational factor that drives them both.
Yet as with some blueprints for a home, what's built upon and in the home afterwards can be quite different. Even though we may use the same blueprint upon the inception of building, the actual brick color may be different, the interior color, the flooring used and the decor. Now two homes using the same blueprint may look vastly different at first glance, yet underneath you will find the base of the two are the same. This also holds true for twin flame soul mates. The blueprints or design of the soul is the same, yet the decor, the outside appearance, what's put in our house, or personalities can be at opposite sides of the spectrum.
It is with our individualized self that we will come into union with our flames. At one time I thought twins had to be the same in everything in order for the twin relationship to be valid. That's not true. Matter of fact, far from it. It will not be until you yourself have reached a point of balance and individualization that you will be united or can be united with your twin. The twin union occurs on a soul level, but in order for you to feel it here on earth you must be able to access your soul or I AM presence where the union is felt and is occurring.
It should be noted when the two do join they still retain a separate identity. Although twins merge and become one, they still retain the badge of ascension and individualized presence in the I AM. It is in this way that the two can become powerful complimentary axis of balance in the universe. For every yin there is a yang. For every motion there is rest and for every darkness there is light. It is no different with twins. The very nature of our universe is built on duality, opposites and balance. When twins come into union it is this balance that is also maintained. One twin will never absorb the other to become like them. It is a joint effort, joint mission to be strong and well developed individually so that each twin can bring its most powerful and light infused self with them for the final union. It is here, and only here, that their true mission and work, the light they can lend to the planet itself, can take place.