"Wearing your heart on your sleeve is sometimes like looking for love in a drugstore.
These days with so many people looking for love, but not knowing what they are looking for, brings us closer to being a mass consciousness world full of confusion than ever.
No one wants to be alone. No one wishes to be in the world by themselves with no one to love. Yet we all look for love without showing it sometimes. Believe we can find it in the places we have always sought it, without looking elsewhere.
If you want real love, the kind that lasts and the kind that makes you feel like you are worthy to receive unconditional love and an open heart to receive you, I can tell you how. You need to look toward yourself first. Looking inward to the place where love begins; with you. When you love yourself and are true to who you are, everything else falls into place. You begin to resonate the love you wish to receive and that sends a signal to the one you desire. Not knowing this is how you can truly wear your heart on your sleeve, you will actually 'draw' the love you need to you, not consciously "seek" it out.
Drugstore love is just that. You run quickly to the first thing you can find that you feel will fulfill your need. When you find it doesn't suit you well, you go back to the drugstore and find some one else. That's just how it works, how our personalities and our consciousness can work differently.
Being conscious about working on you, becoming the person you want to be and becoming the person you would want to love, brings us closer to the love of our dreams than anything else. True love withstands time and all love can come in many shapes in sizes.
The choice is always our own. Drugstore love or the kind that lasts. Either is chosen and created only by us and in the end it is the love you have for yourself that will take you to the real love you were born to have."