Sixteen years later on November 7, 2009 I awoke to a chorus of Happy Birthday. It was the year Michael died and the year I had to divorce. He gathered all my "friends" from the other side to surprise me. I was alone that day, at least physically, but he went out of his way to make me feel special. This was the Michael Jackson I knew. Far from the one portrayed in the media.
So as I thought of what to do on this day for Michael I couldn't help but want to share my gratitude for the being I knew and know he is. He is a selfless, compassionate soul that would put himself in harms way before anyone else. An amazing man that gave billions of dollars to charity and started many charities in hopes of healing our world.
His unique perspective, amazing dream and inspiration live on. Who would have thought that the birth of this one tiny baby on this day 55 years ago would have made such a difference in our world. Such is the power of just ONE person. Such is the belief in knowing how just ONE person can make a difference in the world. Imagine what would happen if we all decided to make a difference.
I can't be more delighted, more inspired or more excited about Michael Joseph Jackson's decision to incarnate and his commitment to heal and inspire our world. He is the epitome of love. The force of God himself and the initiator of joy. He continues his joyous efforts still til this day and when we talked about this special day we decided to do a question and answer to put his current life into perspective.
So I thought I would come up with the questions, but it began a three way conversation between Michael, myself and Elizabeth Taylor:
How will you or would you like to celebrate your birthday?
I plan on being with my children. They mean the world to me and I love them very much still. This side doesn't change how you feel, only how you look.
What would you say to the children if you could?
I would tell them I love them to pieces. I mean that. Really, I really love them with all my heart and want the best for them. I still watch them. I still see them. They do feel me, I know they do, but sometime they don't know I'm there and I like that because I can see them for who they are - how they act when no one is around. They are good kids, they really are. I am a very lucky man. I have great kids.
Are you proud of them?
Very. Very proud of my children and my mother. She's handled this whole thing incredibly well.
(Elizabeth) I want to know what it would take for you to prove life beyond death?
(Me) Good question.
(Michael) I think to prove it we have to be very consistent and over time people will learn that there is life after death. The idea is not new. There are many traditions that believe in life after death. But I think too few people realize that after we die we do carry our emotions with us. The love, the care, the attachments we have to those we leave behind is very very difficult to let go. Let alone being killed the way I was. You don't want to just walk away. There are things left unfinished, things that have been unsaid. I'm sorry for all the times I held back saying I love you to my mother or my brothers and family. I hope they know that I will always love them no matter what. We are a family, we always will be, regardless of what other people believe or want to say.
If you were here (all of us) how would we celebrate?
(Elizabeth) We'd throw a great big party. All of us would be together and have cake. A BIG white cake with layers and candles and sparklers. Everyone would get water balloons and we would just go at it! That would be fun. That's what we'd do.
We have water fights now all the time. You just don't see us. It's fun to be here. Every once in awhile we get to be just us. Just who we are. Let our hair down and get on with our life. It's such a nice change of pace, a blessing really for all of us.
Who do you admire most?
(the love of) Jesus - He was selfless and served humanity. There wasn't anything he took for himself, not one ounce.
Do you see Jesus?
Sometimes. He comes when I am still. When I'm not thinking about anything, then I reach for him, I reach for God and he's there. He is a friend, a teacher. He loves all of humanity. He's incredible. The light and love he emits is amazing. I've never felt anything like it. I LOVE the feeling, the ecstasy of being in that vibration of energy is incredible.
What do you most want to say in general or to anyone now that you've passed?
To love one another. To live each day like it's your last because you never know when you will go. To find the light in every situation. To go above and beyond in whatever you choose to do in life, but above all to love everyone. To love our children, to protect them, guide them, be with them, spend some time with them. They are our future and we are their teachers. Don't go it alone, reach out and love one another. Don't wait.
If you could be granted a birthday wish, what would it be?
My wish would be to engage the services of every human being in loving each other more. To have them see that together we can make a difference, apart we drift away. Don't let the small stuff worry you. There will always be worries, but the big part, the important part is love. Just love one another that's all.
**Thank you for your love, support, light, prayers and tributes. It's amazing to witness love in action from beyond. I love every single one of you and will never stop. Keep going, keep hoping, and keep healing our world. It's working and it's amazing. I love you all. Love, Michael Joseph Jackson
Beautiful xx
;)xxoo back! Hope everything is going well with the glass!
I sent you an email not so long back. Not sure you got it though....
Oh no, I had to Change my email address
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