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Vortex created by the passage of an aircraft wing, revealed by colored smoke |
stationary, others have found there way into the seas and even into the mountains. Energy vortexes are like they sound. Energy that forms a vortex or spiral of energy that transmits thought patterns and light into our universe. It's sort of like code coming from the earth. Signals can be transmitted through space and time and even great distances. When looking at our earth from above the vortex is simple, aligned and functioning in time with the rest of the earth's atmosphere. However, from a mere glimpse from above the seen can be distorted. We have been functioning with the same vortexes and over time the energy of the earth has shifted. What do you think has happened to the vortexes?
They too have shifted, but not a great deal. Depending on their location and who they were created by the vortex may have been moved, abandon or even experimented with. An energy vortex is able to do many things. One, it can dance in the clouds like an imaginary halo, encompassing vast numbers of people and creating a vibration of peace. On the other hand, it can also have an inverse effect and do just the opposite. It stands to reason then, that these vortexes can and are created by a great number of people. Similar thoughts repeated over time create enough energy to transmit itself into the atmosphere, and wa la, a vortex is created.
Humans don't realize the power they have with their thoughts. We don't think anyone can hear what we think and don't give a second thought about whether or not the thought has good intentions or hateful demise. Regardless, the thought is energy. Energy that has been created and it stands to reason that it has to come from and go somewhere. So this is how some thoughts are transmitted. How some countries stay hateful, others maintain peace. How uprising may start and also how they may stop.
Today in your thoughts you may want to notice what kind of vortexes you may be contributing to. Is it for healing our world, hating your neighbor or bettering your life? Being conscious of what you think is the first step in being responsible for the continuation and creation of our personal worlds as well as the world around us. Truly the choice is yours."
Michael Jackson
The above information was contributed. With further investigation I thought it interesting to also add the following information available on the net regarding energy vortexes. You'll recognize some familiar names and according to this information you'll also recognize a familiar shape as well: the triangle:
The Bermuda Triangle & Japan's Devil's Sea are considered anomalies, where unexplained phenomena occur, such as disappearing ships & planes, & radios & compasses that stop working.
Why are ancient Megaliths placed at specific equidistant points, such as Mohenjo-Daro, Cairo, Peru, Easter Island, Zimbabwe, and Borneo, to name a few. Why are Positive Energy Vortices, such as in the Himalayas, Sedona (AZ), & the Incan culture situated where they are?
If the Earth is mapped out as a icosahedron (or dodecahedron) Grid, these are all equidistant geometric points (Vortices) of intersecting (Ley) lines. Note that the Vortices appear to originate from deep beneath the Earth's Crust, so they may be focused by underground water or mineral deposits to vary slightly from the exact dead center, sometimes with multiple surface areas of manifestation.
There are 5 areas of the Northern Hemisphere near 25 North that may be doors to other dimensions, often called "Vile Vortices" (Vile may be too strong a term):
- Bermuda Triangle (planes & ships disappear in green fog)
- Algerian Megalithic Ruins (South of Timbuktu)
- Karachi (Pakistan) [site of Mohenjo Daro - Rama culture, the ancient origins of Hindu culture]
- Devil's Sea Triangle (near Iwo Jima, Japan) (planes & ships disappear - Japan officially calls dangerous)
- Hamakulia, S.E. Hawaii (heaviest volcanic activity) - actually, the focal point is in the ocean, more to the SE of Hawaii. It is in the Ocean, where some ships and planes have disappeared in the past.
There are 5 areas of the Northern Hemisphere near 31.7 North that are Positive healing Energy Vortices:
- Between Sedona, AZ & Sonora, Mexico (31.7N 112.8W) - Hopi & Yaqui Indian, Hohokom waterworks, Sedona Healing Vortex (& magnetic anomalies at Torreon, Mexico?)
- The calculated Vortex Focus is near the Papago Indian Reservation, W of Tucson, AZ, S of Pisinimo/W. of Cowlic/Vamori/Little Tucson
- According to Ken Eagle Feather, in "A Toltec Path" p.11, Castenada's Books on Don Juan (Matus) were centered here (mid-Atlantic, Atlantis per Edgar Cayce - "the position ... Atlantis occupied is between the Gulf of Mexico ... and the Mediterranean")
- Egypt - Pyramids (focus Energy)
- Himalayas, N.E. of Lhasa (Tibet) - Center for Tibetan Enlightenment - also, not far from Xi'an Pyramids in China. Home of the Panda and ancient irrigation systems and Midway Island
Further North, near 50 to 55 North, are some well known Vortices:
- Findhorn, Scotland: Key Celtic/Druid Ley Line: Calendish megaliths, Loch Ness, Maes Howe, Ring of Brodger
- Kiev (Ukraine, Russia) - Key Eastern Orthodox Religious Site
- Buffalo Lake (Alberta Canada), major Indian Medicine Wheels
- Hudson Bay, Canada north Magnetic pole, Ugansk Bay, Eskimo Art, Chubb meteor crater
- Lake Baikal (Northern Mongolia): Meteor Crash? - unique soil, strange plant & animal genetic changes
In the southern Hemisphere, there are also 5+5 areas, near 25 & 30 South, (most are in less-traveled ocean areas), some of which are the:
- Megalithic structures at Sarawak (Borneo)
- Nan Madol (Pohnpei Island, Micronesia)
- Incan Culture in South America
- Easter Island - Megalithic Statues, many of evil Cthulhu - culture degraded to cannibalism, then enslaved
- Gabon (West Africa) [alleged natural Atomic Reactor 1.7million yrs ago] / Zimbabwe Megaliths
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