A long time ago I was faced with a choice in my life . That choice was whether or not to make music for the masses or make music that made a difference. My choice in my lifetime was made based on my faith in God and the fact that I felt He was the one that created the music for me.
What a great opportunity we all have to face the music that sprouts from the seed within us all. Finding the music within you is what this life is all about. Don't pay attention to the garbage that everyone tells you,. That you must be this or must be that. You already know inside who you were meant to be. You only have to nurture that seed within you to let it come out. Be careful what kind of water you use, and what kind of food you feed it. If you are not loving with the seed and mindful of it's growth, it will never become who you were meant to be. You can't watch a seed grow, because it wont' grow faster. And you can't make it grow, because the seed matures in it's own divine way. What you can do is make a commitment to yourself to do those things you said you always wanted to do but never could. Where is that passion inside you and how do you want to direct it? That's the question you have to ask yourself. Not what should I do, but where should I go? The doing will come to you, but the thought about where you want to go will set the seed that's planted within you into motion in the universe. From there all things will begin to come to your seed to nurture it. You only have to be ready to receive that nurturing.
You truly touch my heart with all you do. I wish the best for all the seeds in the universe. May your seed sprout wings and your heart bring joy to all those around you. Thank you for your time, your energy and your prayers. In time you will all know what it is to sprout wings. Forever yours, Michael"
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