What is divine guidance and where does it come from? Divine guidance is the ability to recognize the divinity that exists within and around you. It is tapping into the source of your creation and without questioning it know absolutely that it is. Some may call it God, Allah, the source, your higher self; it can go by many names.
Meditation,yoga, contemplation and peaceful states where you can clear your mind from everyday distractions help you access this very special place. We have what's called an ego that is the overlay or barrier that is the only hurdle to access. The ego consists of the personality and thoughts that distract you from being your authentic self. These are the thoughts of how great you are, or maybe even how small you are. The ego goes both ways. To begin to shed some of the ego, you only have to ignore it. Let it go, meaning let the thoughts go that tend to dominate your mind. As Jack Sparrow would say in Pirates of the Caribbean, "I like to wave at them as they pass by".
Ego likes to "do", divine guidance "is". So how do you tell the difference between divine guidance and a thought? Did you think it, or did it just come to you with absolution?
Hello Deb,
how are you doing? I have been reading your new posts and they are so very interesting, thank you for them. Some great tips from Mr Jack Sparrow! :)
And let me say that "Divine Guidance and Michael's Soul Mates" really touched my soul.
Also I wanted to share with you that I finished writing the summary of my experience with Michael, so if you still want to read it you can find it on my blog at:
much love,
Hi Carmen,
I'm doing well. Thank you for asking and thank you for coming and reading the blog! :)
You have a beautiful presentation on yours. I visited and read your entries. Thank you for letting me know you posted.
In the spirit world there are many people and demons, as Michael told you in one of your posts. It sounds like you are searching and Michael is trying to help you. I think you know that. Please make sure you listen to your inner voice. Our thoughts and emotions are seen very clearly on the other side. Your dreams, perhaps because I've studied them a bit, are very telling. I would suggest that you dissect them and decipher each thing that is represented in them and relate it to what you are going through. Maybe you are already doing this(?) Mary Summer Rain has an awesome book on dream symbols I just love.
I do believe Michael was there with you. I also believe, you were led here for a reason and posted what you did for a reason. You are a wonderfully talented individual with a great deal of inner God like qualities. I'm sure you realize that by sharing what you have you may be helping many other people who have never had the courage to write their most inner experiences down. Thank you so much for sharing... you never know who you might be helping. Just as a precaution though you might want to get some holy water and bless your room and/or home. If there were or are anybody other than Michael around, you do have the authority to tell them to go. Most churches have holy water in the back. You can take some and go around your place in a clockwise direction sprinkling it. While you do that, say a prayer (maybe one that is a favorite of yours); after, repeat three times "I banish you" then start over. Continue this all around in a clockwise direction until you reach the point you started. Its up to you, but whenever you get in touch with spirits you should probably make sure your space is in the light, so to speak. I like to do this every once in a while or burn incense to keep the vibrations up in the home.
Thanks again for sharing Carmen. Hope to hear from you again soon! Peace now :)
Hello Deb,
I am happy to know you are doing well also, I am so glad to know that you read my entries and that you find them useful. I hope this experience reaches the hearts of the people who need this to be inspired to write their own.
I know one thing for sure, you have inspired me. As I said before, I learned from you to be myself, to accept what was given to me and to have the courage to share it with the world.
I am very thankful for your kindness and understanding and also for the advice you gave me. I will look for the book you recommended. I also tried to find the deeper meaning of my dreams and to interpret their symbols with the help of an online dream dictionary. I can say that it really helped me a lot to understand some of the dreams meaning. Sometimes, I was so surprised to see the powerful connection of the dream and the reality. I will soon transcribe a funny but also “mean” dream (because of my attitude to him) that I had. Mike told me something and the second day his words were fulfilled. ;)
Still, there are some things that I have no clue what they meant or why he gave them to me, to this very day. For instance the numbers he gave me “36” and “1+1+4…”
I do use holy water but only when there are great celebrations as Christmas, Easter… but if it’s a good way to keep away souls or spirits who are not that kind, I will use it more often. I do burn incense weekly. I usually sleep with a Bible on my bedside table and each day when I pray, I light a candle. Thank you once more for the advice, I find them very useful for I want to lean and understand more of this. I will also read some more of your posts. ;)
I wish you a wonderful day!
Much love,
Hi Carmen,
Thank you for writing. I'm glad to hear you'll be investigating your dreams more! :)
As for the numbers; every number carries with it a vibration. Dreams are symbols, and numbers vibrations and symbols. There is a repetition in both of these pattern of numbers of the number 6. Was the "36" dream near the dream about the demon? If you look up numberology and the number 36 you may be able to find out more.
The addition of the numbers 1+1+4 - these again equal 6, however the way they are represented to you as addition means this:
In the dream you had you said you wanted Michael's phone number. He wrote it like that, you said. Because it's represented by mathematics (addition) it means you had or have an interest in the discovery of your inter-connection. How you connect or communicate.
There is much more at work here. So pay attention and do some digging.
Sending love your way,
Deb :)
Hello Deb,
I am so grateful for your guidance. I also did some research myself on the interpretation of the numbers and I found out that number 36 is related to Satan, the False Prophet… or a demonic entity. I had quite many dreams in which Michael was trying to protect me or guide me away from demons and yes, when I had that dream that he told me about the number 36 was near the one with the demon.
Can you please help me with some answers? … from time to time I have this super scary dreams, when I feel like I am held still by a force…and if this is an entity, this is not a friendly one for sure because I feel pressure and a sharp noise … I feel as I am awake but can’t move or wake up… I feel paralyzed… It goes away only when I say in my mind Jesus Christ’s name… I read somewhere that this is called sleep paralysis and that is a body reaction… but is that true? is it just my body … or something more?
Thank you once more for your answers and for the time you take writing to me. ;)
Much love,
Hi Carmen,
Thank you for writing.
This is the part where you get to help other people. I'll keep these posts public until you decide you want to take it privately. That way if anyone else is having similar issues they can read along.
When and if you decide you want to email me privately, please use the email me button on the side bar.
I'm glad you realize why it is Michael has led you here. He does want to help you and of course I'll help as well.
First off, know for certain you are not alone, so put aside any fears. The good news is that rarely these types of beings are attracted to lower vibratory beings. They seek to control the more spiritually minded people. So that's complimentary! You must be very spiritual to begin with. Faith is key here, so don't let any thoughts of fear, or doubt that you have the ability to clear this away from yourself come in.
Have you moved in the last few years? If so, is it possible to move back in with your family? Michael is saying he'd like you to leave where you are staying. Is that possible?
If you are having trouble sleeping say a prayer for protection before you sleep; like "Divine mother of God, I pray for your assistance in my dream state and beyond. I pray for your protection when I sleep and while I am awake. Take this demon from my home. Take this force from my sleep. Through the light and love of Jesus Christ this shall be so, through Jesus Christ this shall be so, through Jesus Christ this shall be so".
That said, you are traveling out of your body when you sleep. My son has had the same thing happen to him, so I too have read a bit about sleep paralysis. Is it your body or something else, is a complex question. You have to think of how we are created. We are spirits first with a body. So the two go hand in hand. Your spirit is leaving your body when you sleep. Most people do. So this isn't out of the ordinary. The difference is, is that this entity, let's name him Jack, is getting to you when you are out of the body. Saying Jesus's name is great! He has authority over this domain so "Jesus Christ" away, in the power of JC, etc. lol
Remember to use the holy water like I told you to. In the meantime Michael is going to get some "spiritual" helpers to take him away, but you have to be the one to stand your ground Carmen. It's your free will that will either keep him there or send him away ultimately.
Keep in touch.
Love to you,
Deb :)
Sure Deb,
it’s good to keep those posts public for I believe the same thing, if others have the same issues to read along.
Thank you for the answers they helped me so much to understand better with what or who I am “dealing” with sometimes in my dreams.
Also I am more than grateful that you gave me the possibility to write you about this in private.
No, I haven’t moved, I live in the same house with my family... I wish I could move but I am tied to this in some ways and mostly because of my job… I wish I could move because now I see clear… I believe I started to understand what causes this entity to come “visit” our house and my dreams…
My family members have a “bad habit”… they use curses as “hell” or “devil” like 24/7… and I am starting to believe that this is like an invitation for those spirits… I tried to tell them that the one you call for … will be the one to come for you… They don’t understand and they act ironic…
I don’t swear because I believe this is a way that only people who lack in spiritual or emotional maturity use to express themselves…they believe that swearing gives them I don’t know what kind of authority or power… My family likes to make fun of me calling me “you saint”… but I love them so much even if they are blind to what goes on.
Thank you for the support, for teaching me how to pray and what to do in order to send this thing away. I am so, so grateful! You have no idea how much I needed somebody to explain this to me and to guide me.
I will not give up or fear because I know one thing for sure... God created me, I belong to Him… and that says all… I will stand my ground. ;)
I wish you a beautiful and blessed day!
Much love,
Thank you for writing again Carmen. I was wondering how you were. I appreciate your gratitude, but you know I too was a seeker at one time. I think it's only natural as one helps another, that the other turn around and do the same.
I understand now about Michael wanting you to leave, and understand too your situation. You are right. There is most likely some energy they bring into the house unknowingly. You can visualize white light surrounding you and perhaps take some sea salt and sprinkle some by your door, maybe under your bed. This way the sea salt acts like a neutralizer to any bad vibrations. Sprinkling some at the door will help keep the not so good energies outside of your room.
And don't ever let anyone else make you feel bad for being yourself. I hope you know that. I know sometimes it's difficult because it's "family" and we are taught that those are the people that are supposed to treat us nicely and protect us. Name calling, whatever the name is, isn't always the best way to support others. It sounds like you have a good handle on this, but just let me be another voice of reason when I say, you are right in your thinking. You may not like what they do, but you love them anyway.
Love to you too,
Deb :)
Hello Deb,
:) I have to apologize for the late reply but those past days I was busy as a “bee”... ;)
I wanted to say that I put in practice your advice and used holy water and incense and the entire place feels lighter… there is no longer that feeling of sadness. ;) It feels peaceful even if my relatives keep doing their “thing”! But I believe I have to do this more often. Thank you once more! ;)
Wishing you a beautiful Sunday and a lovely start of week!
Much love,
So glad to hear this! Thank you for keeping me posted.
Hope you have a super week too! :)
I've been going on my very own personal healing journey for the past few months. After my mother passed away, I felt so hurt and empty. Ever since then I've been working on personal health and setting goals to feel better. I got a nice picture of my mom before she died, and I framed it and put it in a place where I will see it often - not to dwell on sadness, but to be reminded of the beautiful woman that raised me. I journal a lot. And I read and watch inspiring stories. I've also been doing some research and looking into energy healing classes in hopes of replacing some of my negative energy and depression with hope and energy.
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