Chapter One
11 which said, “Write on a scroll* what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.”
12 Then I turned to see whose voice it was that spoke to me, and when I turned, I saw seven gold lampstands
13 and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man,wearing an ankle-length robe, with a gold sash around his chest.
14 The hair of his head was as white as white wool or as snow, and his eyes were like a fiery flame.
Chapter Two
1 “To the angel of the church* in Ephesus,* write this:
“‘The one who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks in the midst of the seven gold lampstands says this:
2 “I know your works, your labor, and your endurance, and that you cannot tolerate the wicked; you have tested those who call themselves apostles but are not, and discovered that they are impostors.
3 Moreover, you have endurance and have suffered for my name, and you have not grown weary.
4 Yet I hold this against you: you have lost the love you had at first.
5 Realize how far you have fallen. Repent, and do the works you did at first. Otherwise, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.
Little did I know that nineteen years ago, when I painted the above canvas did I realize it's implications. I am not a religious zealot. I have never been formally trained in any religion. The above painting was a depiction from a photo given to me by a psychic who had taken a picture of the clouds in a place deemed to be the "Doorway to Heaven".
She had seen Michael Jackson a few weeks before. When she started my reading, she told me I was a twin. Not taking her statement to be true, I refuted her. I have no twin. I have only one brother. No, she said you have a twin flame soul mate.
When it was revealed to her who it was, she asked me to paint the above painting. Her instructions were to paint what I saw. The photo seemed to be a grouping of clouds. However, when I partook of painting what I felt, the above painting was revealed.
Since then, my guides have led me on a path of discovery. Reading and acquiring books and giving me passages to read from the bible; many of which I have quoted on this blog, that prior to me writing them, I had not read.
A few weeks ago I was in meditation when I saw the same face that's on this painting. He revealed himself to me as YHWY. It is the same face that is used in the depiction of God in many of the paintings done representing creation itself.
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"The Creation of Adam" - Michaelangelo |
YHWY told me that the time has come for man to repent. He showed me a vision of his coming. I saw a red sky with great destruction. For a time I thought on what it meant to repent. Repent of our sins, repent of the bad things we've done? It could mean many things. So I waited for more instruction.
I am giving the following as his words to me, since my own words could misconstrue his meaning. I have posted the revelations from the bible above, because this, I believe, is what YHWH was referring to.
"Asking them to eliminate sin and misuse of the earths natural resources. Sin is created first by a thought, then an action. Original sin is forgiven - destructive use of the law is not permitted in the Kingdom of God. God's law, not mans. It is not his interpretation of the law that makes it correct - it is his misuse of it in the intent to obtain power and wealth.
Because our laws were taken from sacred texts and hidden from the people, our word has been destroyed and mutilated. We have sent numerous messengers to receive the word only for them to go unheard and not taken into context.
Kingdoms have been destroyed, our brothers and sisters have been killed, all in the name of God. The true holy God of all things is called by many names, but he only answers as one. One among the myriad of names he has been given and one that can conceal, hide, destroy or materialize great wealth on the planet. His name has been misused by both greedy and controlling individuals seeking to control the people. These individuals have taken part in the destruction of this planet.
Upon my alter I hear the cries of the weak, the mistreated and above all the misguided. It is not I that will claim responsibility for the destruction of your race. You have misguided the people on the concepts and beliefs you have chosen as your own. The divine law has permitted the activities of fallen star brothers to interconnect with fallen minds.
The mind of the father is pure and unfaltered. The mind of the many who have chosen to misuse his laws for personal gain is distorted and obstructed. No longer will this be permitted to enslave the people. You have held them captive in thought. Making them believe it is us and not them that create the earths current state.
Make restitution to your fellow man.
If the true word given by Moses, Jeshua and Abraham were spoken, given in it's entirety, the world would not have chosen to pray to God for relief from their current state of affairs. They would know already that it is the individual responsible for his own destiny and personal relationship with the father that acts as a catalyst to transform themselves and the planet.
The one are in many. The many in one. We are a collective consciousness. Not twelve states of beliefs held by the many created by the few who chose to call their truth "religion."
Ask your father who was in his place when the world was created. This is not my word but that of your own making. I do not stand at the alter of your church. I stand on high and it is I that will lead you to your salvation and final resurrection. Not your limited knowledge held in places of secrecy by your brothers."
As if the words and mere image of this great being were not enough, I then set about my normal business. I am taking classes at a local college. I had noticed a beam of light coming down from the sky in the corner of my eye several weeks in a row. Every time I'd look straight at it, I couldn't see it. Last week I decided I'd take a picture of it and see if anything came out.
When I looked at the photo it looked to be black sky. However a closer look revealed the faces. There are many. I am posting the original photo below, along with some faces I saw in the photo. Enhancing the size may offer you a better view.
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Closer view-Click on image for better view Jesus on the cross is at the left |
I have since been visited by Jesus. His coming was in a few visions, until finally upon awakening two days ago, I was greeted with his face.
Because this blog was started with the intent to hold the truth for Michael Jackson, you might be wondering what this has to do with him. His essence is part of mine and we together will unite with our father in heaven. This is the true teaching of Jesus the Christ. It is the two, that when joined together, that allow the vehicle (the merkabah) to be created and transport the soul to the higher realms. This is not a new teaching, nor a new idea. Matter of fact, it is very old. We find it in texts all over the world. One such text that I have been given has been the Kabbalah. Others that document the truth are the Torah, Gnostic teachings and they are also held in secret societies.
Michael spent much of his life reading and gaining knowledge about these teachings. He has left numerous ways for the public to be aware of them. His signature "7" or the "777", speaks to the world or heavenly kingdom that will be after the great tribulation. This is the new state of consciousness.
This consciousness can only be obtained by individualized alignment with the father. As the brothers would say, your garment needs to be made "pure". This means transcending your former self and clearing the four lower bodies to receive the light of God within.
When St Germain spoke of the earths rut, I believe he meant that the knowledge and wisdom of the past has been lost. It has caused our creation to become a rut of being born again and again into a world with ending. The only problem with that is this world without ending is not the world we were made to enter. We were meant to enter the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of man.
It all starts from the story of Adam and Eve. I will later explain to you the story of creation as is was explained to me. However, for the sufferings that Michael endured, may you find it in your pleasure to review his works once again.
- His video "History" depicts the tribulation. The army of God is that which is labeled in the 777 fashion. The eye (Michael's eye) is that which has reached the attainment of seeing as God does. This is our divine inheritance. Not a depiction that he is God, but we should all aspire because we are like God. We have been created in his image.
- His "Dangerous" album and cover work is a depiction of both the beginning and ending of the revelations. We come out under divine order. The bird, with the mechanical underside, represents Yesod - the "engine room" of creation. Here we are created in unity. At the entrance we are created in duality. This is depicted by the representation of the statue "The Birth of Venus" - the divine feminine. The hands which are the same on the king and the queen at the end again represent the two now as one. This is twin flame union. The union that we were from the beginning of time.
- The "You Are Not Alone" video. It is said in Revelations that "The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again." Revelation 18:23. Your counterpart is within you - your twin flame soul mate. Should you connect with that higher part of yourself you will enter into the consciousness of God - 777. Should you choose not to, "The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again." You will remain in a state of duality. (Michael represented this divine aspect by the angel scenes in this video. Those have been taken out. Similar to the church destroying the works of God, so are the works of the men who have claimed to love Michael. Like others, they will reap what they have sewn unless restitution is made.)
I will close this post by two videos. One that speaks about the tomb of Mary Magdalene, the counterpart or twin flame of Jesus and another that speaks about the third prophecy of Fatima.
The church has hidden this vital information from the people. This may be why it is said that the Pope will be the last and why Pope Francis has asked you to pray for him. This church has taken upon itself riches upon riches, ruling over the people without giving the true word. It is not upon the brow of Pope Francis, but all those who have misused the word of God that God's judgement comes.
It is with extreme importance that the truth be revealed now. For it is only with this information can the ascent be made before the tribulation begins. Your mark to be saved or not will be 666 or 777. Sealed upon your forehead will be these numbers representing your state of consciousness. Here the seed of the father and the new world of peace will be separated from the shaft. This new, more peaceful world, will have no time. For there will be no more duality.
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