I've tried simply every avenue available to me to have justice come to this case. It's become apparent to me that I am the only one who can offer this story and it's a story that needs to be told.
I've spent a great deal of the last few days in tears finishing this work. It's something I really did not want to do. I'm neither proud or happy to announce it. It is one of the most terrible tragedies in the history of mankind. Michael wanted this to be done by the end of the year. I made him a promise that I would, but he was not the one that wanted this done originally. This work has been warranted by a higher authority.
My work with Michael has been for bringing light into the consciousness. That work is shared by a great number of people all over this planet and beyond. In my previous memoir, Another Part of Me, I shared part of my story about the Brotherhood of Light and how they came to me. At my first encounter of them an individual arose to say "I am one of many. When you think of yourself, think of us. When you think of us, think of yourself." This is the ideal oneness that we wish for this planet. My brothers and sisters on the other side of the veil are the ones that answer your prayers, hear your thoughts, and relish in your dreams. When I began working with them I found that there was much more to life than what we've been told. I, like them, would go above and beyond for any member working towards our common goals. Michael is one of those members. Working towards a better planet while he lived, and now on the other side.
I cannot express to you the light that was stolen from our planet when Michael Jackson was murdered. His life exemplified all that we should strive to be. He made a conscious choice to use his life in service. To use his celebrity to share the dream and the need to heal our planet. There has not and is not another human on this planet that can replace the potential that Michael Jackson had in reaching the masses to spread the word of both truth and love.
Human beings rarely think about others in their quest for money and power. The ramifications of this act and the treatment of this man is beyond repair. As Michael once stated, animals have been treated better. Let his life be a testament to the worst of mankind and how we need to change our ways.
One life may seem irrelevant to some, but each and every single life on this planet has a purpose. The acts of one, like Gandhi, Adolph Hitler, or even Nelson Mandela should tell you that we all have the potential to be great in goodness or take part in the darkest of evil. This act was evil. Evil or the light cannot come to this planet without our permission. We make that choice every day in our decisions as to who we wish to serve. I made my choice long ago, and my brothers and sisters of the light have joined me in supporting this work. We will not stand by to let these untruths happen any longer.
I want to thank and recognize all the people who have blogged, written about and presented stories on Michael's behalf. These people are the ones that helped make these truths come out. It is always an effort that is joint in nature and done in love that makes the most difference. I know how hard so many people have worked to make sure the truth made its way out. They have heard the prayers on the other side and they are being answered. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for choosing love, to stand up in the face of adversity and for being courageous enough to stand in the name of truth and love.
The book will be released this week on Amazon.com and Amazon Europe. The pre-release is available now and can be purchased by clicking on the link provided on the right column. Although it is labeled a personal memoir, it is backed up with the facts of the case and relates only to the murder of Michael Jackson.
For a preview on Kindle click here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RNGYKSC
I've posted the press release below:
Wow, I read the preview!
Wasn't Dr Murray hired by Michael a few years earlier to be his Doctor so Dr Murray knew Michael personally before 2009?
Michael used Propofol to help him sleep on his earlier tours, so he was familiar with this drug and called it his Milk.
Thank you for your comment.
You'll need to read the whole book to understand. It's a short read. Regardless of Michael being familiar the drug, his death was considered a homicide - acute propofol intoxication. That means enough propofol to kill him. Propofol DID NOT kill Michael prior to 2009 or DOES NOT kill people when used correctly, as in a hospital setting. Conrad Murray was set up.
In your preview with the channelled material you received, you say "The night I died I was staying upstairs" ??
Michael's time of his death was around midday on June 25th?
How would Tohme Tohme know how to administer a needle or give him a shot?
Michael surely would have only wanted a Doctor to insert needles and give him drugs? Surely he couldn't have been that weak to let other people who weren't necessarily his friends give him stuff?
Conrad Murray was trying to wean Michael off Propofol, but Michael was desperate for sleep.
Your book is interesting but if you feel this is the truth, shouldn't this be taken up with the police!!!!
Thank you for your comment and I did inform the police and other counsel. The problem is the district attorney on the case was accepting bribes. If you read the book the information is there. Even if you search online you can find contributions from both Tohme Tohme, Michael's manager at the time and Timothy Liewike of AEG to the DA Steven Cooley. The DA even held back evidence from the Lloyds of London insurance case with AEG until Conrad Murray was tried and convicted. That insurance policy would have given the evidence of intent. Both Tohme and AEG were named as insureds upon death - they were unable to get insurance for illness...which leads to your statement about Michael being weak and that "night". It was the night he came home from rehearsals that everything went down. They were cancelling the shows BECAUSE Michael was too weak to perform. If you haven't been following it, there is ample evidence in the AEG vs Katherine Jackson trial. One crew member even stated that he could SEE Michael's heartbeat through his skin. Michael was not only weak, but being given other medications to make him more weak. Those would include the Benzodiazepines found in his system as per the autopsy. To further that you'll also find that the actual time of death was hours before paramedics were ever called. I know the public is unaware of many things regarding Michael's death, but I can tell you his family is continuing to seek justice. They are scheduled for court in LA on the 22nd of this month. I've tried every single avenue available to me, I really have..it's completely unbearable and sad at the amount of people who used and manipulated this man. Believe me, had Michael had his choice Tohme would not have been around him at all. He fired him in March of that year. Even his son Prince testified that Michael used to cry after every phone conversation with them. Stating that he was afraid they were going to kill him. Please pray for his children and family and that the truth does come out. They need closure and a sense of control back in their lives.
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