"You just never give up. You keep trying because you can. You keep loving because it's the right thing to do and you never give up hope - ever!"
Larry Fortensky was one of her idols, she says. Her strength in many of her struggles. She continues;
"Everyone needs an idol. Everyone needs a friend, but most of us are just too afraid to ask. Too afraid of ridicule because we have been hurt in the past. People need to reach out more. They pretend they're something they're not when they try to stay out of emotion. They pretend their problems don't exist, but that's when you get into trouble. You reach for the drink, you struggle with the pain and the next thing you know you're doing it all over again thinking it's going to help. Don't do it. Just plain stop being worried about what you're going to do next and the struggles in your life. Focus on something positive, something worth while. Join a cause or a charity. Good works always make you feel better about yourself and it you get stuck again, well then you just get up and do it again. That's when the world sees what you're really made of. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but the game of life can never really hurt you. Unless you let it. You have to stay strong. You have to stand in your truth. It was no different for Michael or I. We both struggled with pain. Struggled with our identity because we were so young when we both started in the business. Who am I? Elizabeth Taylor on set or Elizabeth Taylor at home? You're afraid to show people who you really are 'cause their apt to just slice your throat, if they can. People can be very cruel. Like with Michael. He didn't do a thing to children. Not a thing. Yet they persecuted him on every level, every station and in every paper. How can people be so cruel and humiliating? You know why? Because in their eyes he was a star and stars deserve it because they are in the public. They don't stop to think that we're people. We have feelings and lives and most of us don't have pretty pasts, let me tell you. We run the garment from abuse to incest to all sorts of dysfunctions. We're all people and in the end everyone has to accept that. We are what we are; imperfect beings with much to learn. We need to be kinder to one another. More compassionate with our feelings and more giving with our hearts. We're not on this planet to live alone. We are all here together for a reason. It's not to fight, to have wars, to be criminals or engage in hateful behavior towards one another. It's to live. To light up the world in song and in joy. We have too many people worried about the future. Too many living alone and too many bright eyed children who are not allowed to play in their own yards because of war or violence around their homes. People need to wake up. For God sake. Everyone complains but no one does anything about it. People think that if they keep doing the same thing somethings' going to change. It's not. We have to remember WE have to take those steps for change. WE have to do something. Michael and I have been all over the world looking in on families and children and we are devastated, just devastated by what we see. The violence, the pity, the poor families struggling just to eat. It has to stop. It really does. If we all just gave from our hearts; that's the one thing people really need. The violence is horrendous. They are like animals. No consciousness whatsoever in what some people do. We have to be careful, of course, but not blind to our humanness and the compassion we must and some do show one another. To change the world we must be the change. Open the door to change. Open it to love and be the first one to reach out your hand in helping another fellow human being. It's not just for them. In the end you'll find the struggles you seemed to have go away, because your helping someone else with theirs and that's how it works. That's how it should be. Everyone helping one another. Everyone coming to our aid, creating a world full of love instead of a world full of violence.
I'm Elizabeth Taylor and this is coming from me. If anyone doubts it, ask Larry. He knows how forthcoming I am and will always be. On this side it's not any different and I will always, always, always be a light for anyone that calls on me. That's a promise."