“Compassion is a muscle that gets stronger with use.”
"A human being is part of the whole called by us ‘universe' - a part limited in time and space. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
- Albert Einstein
Michael was greatly bothered recently. When I asked what was wrong, he said there is too much turmoil in the world. He can see from where he is "the world". All of it and all of its people. He says he hears their cries, hears their prayers hoping to find people who care to help them. Sometimes there isn't anyone and they have to go it alone. Sometimes he finds someone he can have help. More over there is an abundance of hurting hearts all over the world and he says, it doesn't have to be that way if we only learned to love MORE.
"Love is unconditional when you let it fill you regardless of your thoughts. Our judgments on people, places and things hold us captive to the sheer will of god which is to love. Our love is held back by our beliefs, our judgments, our religion, our nationality and sometimes just because of our color. Our world is a perplex myriad of images, shapes, people and sizes. Everything in the universe is different. Everything is misshapen, but everything has a reason for existence and all things were created from the same love that you and I were created from.
Love is weak when we want it to be. It's strong and healing when we allow it to flow through us, become it, because that's what we are - love itself. Being compassionate to your fellow man really is an easy task, yet so few take the time to do it. Giving someone a hug when they need it. Pretending to care when someone is down isn't the same. True caring, true compassion would be lending a hand, giving of yourself, your time, your knowledge, whatever you can to make them feel better.
Where Michael is in spirit, he will realise that everyone has a life plan, their own blue print, their own lessons, so each soul when they are sad or desperate and pray desperately for help, the prayer will be answered according to the life plan of that soul and it will be done with Divine Timing. Michael where he resides now, would know all that, so in order for him to find help for people's prayers and cries, it first must be respected with the individual's permission of the Higher Self of that soul. Michael would know that? It seems he speaks with you as he is still on Earth. Remember he played the persona of MJ on Earth. He is still MJ, but more than MJ. You should know this?? His perspective will be much different.
Many times a disaster like an Earthquake will do this, bring many people together, the lesson may well be a group of souls volunteered to be involved in a disaster (like 9/11) and the compassion will come out of this situation. I'm looking at your post today with higher perspective. If we all realised that one's person's pain is hard or horrible and unbearable, BUT maybe if you look at it in a spiritual way, maybe their soul wished to experience it! So all you can do is you can offer compassion, love and pray and send healing and help in a way that is not judgemental, but kindness and understanding. If you open up this Blog and have more side links to other Michael sites. I'm not talking about fan sites but sites like YOURS, but not concentrating on a Twin Flame thing all the time,( these sites share with many other people, MJ's Soldiers of Love then you will see there is compassion. Michael knows this and works with them, just like he works with you. Ask him.
Found this Blog while doing research on Michael Jackson.
“Twin Flames” is true, but like most other things, it is a concept, a way to try to explain something so people can get a glimpse of the real meaning. Different versions can all be true, but they are geared to different people’s level of consciousness. So whatever resonates with you is your truth.
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