The soul of man is not so much unlike the planet. It grows in nature, and evolves, just as evidenced in the early life forms and single cell amoebas. Sometimes we adapt as an animal may adapt to its habitat. Yet when we take our habitat into our own hands and don't accept responsibility for the damage we have done, we can cause not only other life forms, but ourselves great damage.
We live on the earth and whether or not anyone wishes to believe it, we do live WITH the earth. We get our only nourishment from earth. Our food grows in its soil, our water from its lakes and streams. We are subject to its storms, tides and floods, yet we continue to abuse her, use her and take her valuable resources perhaps not realizing the earths need for them.
As our planet is shifting in consciousness, so is the earth. As we are on a micro level, the earth is on a macro level. Our thoughts effect us and the consciousness, the combined thoughts of all, effect the earth. As that happens in us, you can also imagine might happen with our earth. If my thoughts internally change about myself I will sooner or later see the results out in my physical world. We too will see results on the physical earth plane from our collective consciousness.
We have two groups of people. Those that continue the patterns and cycles of what has been done for centuries and those as prophecized by the Native American Indians, the truth seekers and spiritual warriors. Our cycle brothers continue to use the earth and as they do they will be causing some damage to the planet. The plates have been shifting and governments have been predicting a wide range of unusual weather across the globe. What one does on one level, effects the others.
I was told some time ago that the drilling off the coast of China will be playing a part in some of this shifting. I'm not up on what they drill for, or how they do it, not even how deeply they go into the earths crust, but do we know enough to be drilling, to be abusing the planet for the sake of a dollar to know our habitat may no longer be here tomorrow?
Where ever and when ever you can, may we all be mindful that what we do not only affects others but also the planet that has given and SUSTAINS our life. One day we may wake up and say "What were we thinking?" It seems so obvious to take care of the place that nourishes us, but like so many other things it seems our human race has taken to it's individual selves in the quest for power and money. All at life's expense; our earth, our people, even the air we breath.
Our goal should be not to get caught up in the day to day outside quest that man has created. The wars that cause so much damage to everything are often created in the same mind and same mind structure as wars before. For control over another country and it's assets. Can we take a step back, can we look at a bigger picture? If we do we might realize the small and non issue taking over a country is. When we look at all things and consider our world as a whole, our decisions should be about life and the quality of life for all living beings - not control of another country, its people or money. Maybe it's time for spiritual leaders in our nations instead of hungry political ones. They may be our only saving grace.
All of the messages, the signs are there; are we listening?
Click here if video does not show below: (El Nino may be back: Weather forecast)
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