Like the story of Adam and Eve that I present in the online book tour, there is another story present in a book called the "Zohar", a book of Jewish mysticism.
The Zohar teaches that your soul has a twin who was created with you in the beginning. God will bring the two of you together, it says, if you live a life of purity and good works.
All the souls in the world, which are the fruit of the handiwork of the Almighty, are mystically one, but when they descend to this world they are separated into male and female, though these are still conjoined.
It specifically says that
"When they first issue forth, they issue as male and female together. Subsequently, when they descend [to this world] they separate, one to one side and the other to the other, and God afterwards unites them—God and no other, He alone knowing the mate proper to each. Happy the man who is upright in his works [or pure] and walks in the way of truth, so that his soul may find its original mate, for then he becomes indeed perfect and through his perfection the whole world is blessed."
I liken the concept to what is on a small concept is also on a larger scale. When we are balanced through ida and pingala and access our higher selves we can once again balance with our male or female counterpart that we were created from. For even the card of the male magician is yellow as the sun.
Confirmation of the existence of twin souls helps us to remember that we are divine beings. That the knowledge of our true existence, the truth, has been with us all along. We have only been "told" differently.
Further exploration into this mysticism includes some images from a ancient method of divination called "Tarot Cards". Many times psychics would and still do use these cards to read the future of an individual. Two cards in particular may stand out as posted below.
The first card (labeled number I) depicts a man holding a scroll upward with his left hand pointing downward. Above his head is the symbol of infinity. Could it be that he has received a gift from heaven and is delivering it to the earth as he extends and points his finger down to it?
The question becomes more affirmative when we look at the second card (labeled number II) called the High Priestess. For on her lap sits a scroll unrolled and labeled the "Torah" - another book of Jewish mysticism. It is said in the mystic tradition that the man twin will contain the knowledge of wisdom within him but it is the female twin that has the ability to unlock it as seen and depicted by the open scroll.
The first card (labeled number I) depicts a man holding a scroll upward with his left hand pointing downward. Above his head is the symbol of infinity. Could it be that he has received a gift from heaven and is delivering it to the earth as he extends and points his finger down to it?
The question becomes more affirmative when we look at the second card (labeled number II) called the High Priestess. For on her lap sits a scroll unrolled and labeled the "Torah" - another book of Jewish mysticism. It is said in the mystic tradition that the man twin will contain the knowledge of wisdom within him but it is the female twin that has the ability to unlock it as seen and depicted by the open scroll.
Lets take this a bit further because the High Priestess also sits between two pillars. These pillars may represent the temple of King Solomon. Remember the King who the Star of David is named for? The star representing the union of the divine female and male? Pictured below is that temple. It is flanked by two pillars. The pillars also remind us of the number 11 which is the opening of the door of knowledge. For the High Priestess, her pillars are black and white. Our dualistic nature.
Depiction of King Solomon's Temple |
A further look can also cross another border of religion and belief, for placed above the priestess head and at her feet you see the image of the moon. The moon representing female energy is also present in yogic traditions. Labeled the "ida" channel running on the side of your body, there is also a corresponding "male" channel called "pingala". Both channels when in harmony access our central channel "sashuma". When all are in balance we can be "enlightened".
Here is what "The Butcher's Wife" movie says about our "split aparts". The male character even mentions the way that he knows about split aparts - magic!
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