Maybe one of the first things that most sites often miss about the twin flame path is the starting point. As an individual develops his consciousness, the path to the flame always will encompass the consciousness of the self. Self knowledge, exploration and making conscious choices will always be part of the plan.
There is another part, however, that is equally important and that's the reach for the higher self.
A deep appreciation and love for God, an acknowledgement for all of life and its value and a conscious reach within; a deep desire to be back and one with the all. As you can see from the diagram, union with a flame is not reached until the individual path is reached on high.
I'm posting the third video in the series that I prepared for the book tour. The quality is not all that good, but the information is very valuable when it comes to the work necessary for union:
There is another part, however, that is equally important and that's the reach for the higher self.
I'm posting the third video in the series that I prepared for the book tour. The quality is not all that good, but the information is very valuable when it comes to the work necessary for union:
Here are a couple of Blogs. This lady had been connected to Michael before he died and has written many many things, including a channelled book from her conversations....
Here is another lovely Blog. This lady has written a channelled book with Michael's soul called MichaelLuna and was written partly for Paris. She has also been connected to his soul before he died. She is just about to release a channelled book from her channelings with his soul and HE will talk and discuss his death in her book. Michael's soul is inspiring many and he is available to all who tap into his LOVE.
Here is yet another lovely Blog. I hope you will realise whatever part of his soul you tap into (it might be different for each individual depending on their own journey) but all these Blogs are tapping into his soul. I also chat to him and he is funny, cheeky, and Love
Thank you for all of these links. You have written me many times about these same links and obviously are very adhement about them. The fantasy author, I have looked at them all they are inspiring , they are I'm quite sure being done for Michael, even inspired by Michael. But they have nothing to do with me. Maybe you could ask yourself why this is so important for you to come here to put this here for me. Is it to let me know I'm no one, that I'm not special, there are so many others? Believe me I know how many people Michael Is connected to. That's why he would say we are all one. But these have nothing to do with this blog or me.
For you to connect with even more love and feel the love of everyone that is connected to Michael's soul, to join together,unite and Yes, feel the Oneness as Michael feel's with EVERYONE. To realise you are not alone in your journey, to feel joy and love of how Michael brings people together, that his soul is always in connection with many many people. Yes your blog is focused on the Twin Soul experience etc etc. Just wanted to show you his soul is forever in union with many People.
Much Blessings to you..
I have been reading all the comments recently and many people believe one thing and many another thing. It's best not to judge anyone's opinion. As they say truth has a way of coming at the right time. All truth will be revealed when the timing is right. Oh BTW Sananda told me, it was his time to leave the Earth, he chose to go (that his soul chose to go)
As one of the ladies from the above Blogs says below.
Michael's Magic continues in books that are inspired by his spirit. What amazes me MOST is that this is a spirit that has walked this Earth many, many times, illuminating the path with each step. The story of his heart is in these books. You're missing SO much if you are still just looking for "Michael Jackson." That is one lifetime. Go DEEPER with.
You knuckleheads are excruciating. But today you are more amusing than anything.
Still love you Devorah
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