"We're Takin' Over
We Have The Truth
This Is The Mission
To See It Through
Don't Point Your Finger
Not Dangerous
This Is Our Planet
You're One Of Us"
- Another Part of Me, Michael Jackson
If you are a student of the light or interested in twin flame soul mates, you'll most likely know that they have a mission on earth when they do decide to incarnate. For those who have read my book "Another Part of Me -
An Extraordinary Tale of Twin Souls", you'll also know some of the history between Michael and I and my life path. Part of that path has been many synchronicities. Those are the things that happen, the events and things that draw you to your chosen mission.
An Extraordinary Tale of Twin Souls", you'll also know some of the history between Michael and I and my life path. Part of that path has been many synchronicities. Those are the things that happen, the events and things that draw you to your chosen mission.
One of those things was a white book I picked up years ago. I had no reason for buying it, had no idea what it was, matter of fact it was out of my price range, but something inside of me said I had to have it. On the cover of this white book where seven pairs of hands with seven rays extending to a dove. Little did I know then that I would come into contact with St Germain of the Brotherhood of Light. Little did I know then that he himself would inform me that Michael Jackson and I served on the seventh ray of light and that was the reason we had incarnated together.
The seventh ray is similar to the opening of the seventh seal in the book of revelations. Our seventh chakra is the crown, and now is the time of the opening. Seventh ray workers work for the unfoldment and unification of the consciousness when this happens. It is our duty to uplift, educate and organize the thought energy associated with it's opening.
Many people know of Michael's use of the number seven, however, there was much more that he has left for us to look at besides the number seven on his uniforms. His saying was that he was building God's army. In the video History he does just that. An army of love is positioned in front of a structure similar to the Arc de triumph which is placed at the end of a street called Champs Elysees in Paris, France. A street which means "the blessed meeting place of the dead". If you have studied St Germain at all, you will know that he has said that he will gather his workers, his soldiers of light, from the past centuries to help him with his work. St Germain is the seventh ray. It is his mission to oversee the process of this enlightening of the consciousness of mankind.
There are beings that wish humanity to remain ignorant of the truth. Currently there is a struggle. The soldiers of love must take their rightful places. In the video below you'll even notice the language used at the beginning of the video. It's not French - it is an universal language called Esperanto that typically depicts a future in which there is a language spoken that is more universal than there is today. Our future of ONE.
Album cover for HIStory Note: HIS tory - Michael told me at this time the name of his album was two fold: History and HIS story. The track listing reveal more. |
This same video was used to promote his album of the same name: HIStory; PAST, Present, and FUTURE.
There has always been a struggle between good and evil. We've heard the stories of the angel and the devil on the shoulder and choosing between right and wrong, but few of us realize the measures to which those who want to maintain control - I will call them the evil ones - go to keep our history hidden. The history I am talking about is the history of mankind itself. This is the truth that Michael talks about in the words of the song my book is named after. This is also the depiction he gives in the album cover art of Dangerous - A world upside down, comprised of a circus of performers. In the end, we come out under the eye of god once again, but we are unified (the black and white face) and know we are all the same. Even the bubble of Adam and Eve depict our very creation. Twin souls, yes, but it is also the creation of all of mankind. The meaning: That our world will come under divine order instead of the controlled order of man that leads us on the path of destruction.
I have taken the following from my "white book" to explain further:
"It will become apparent to Man that organized religion has shown disrespect for the ancient scientific scriptures of Light. For this reason organized religions who promote the priesthoods of Man at the expense of the scriptures, will be seen as the Abomination of Desolation because they sit in the place of the Lord God proclaiming themselves as the force of YHWH and the authority of Christ.
Close up of the US Dollar Novus Ordo Seclorum means: A New Order Has Begun |
These authorities neutralize consciousness causing the neutralization of spiritual growth, literally the nullification of the ongoing inner consciousness which was brought by the Christ and which has continued to radiate through the ages in the scriptures of Light."
What this means is that mankind has kept our true light hidden. They have lulled us to sleep with a false sense of our reality, focusing us on their power instead of the power within us. This is our true spiritual right and one that all children of the light continue to work for. Michael's written message for a higher consciousness meant exactly this - we should be reaching for the light of god, not the false light of man. Even at the memorial service for Michael himself all religious symbols were shown during a performance of "We Are the World". Do you understand? There are no separations between us. The only separations are the ones that man has created himself.
"While the theme of Michael Jackson’s memorial service was indeed spiritual, it certainly could in no way be mistaken for a Christian funeral. During the performance of We are the World which was sung by a Who’s Who of musical icons, symbols of every major religion were displayed on a giant screen behind the stage including a larger than life picture of Jesus. The message could not have been clearer." source: http://www.examiner.com/article/michael-jackson-memorial-a-wakeup-call-for-the-church
1 comment:
Yes, I also hold the wisdom of the Violet Flame. My soul stone, the Crystal aligned to my souls energy is Amethyst
Yes I know many people who are connected to MJ's soul who have had many synchronicities happen to them before and after he died.
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