On a recent visit from Sri, he inquired what it was that I thought was so important about sharing experiences with people was. I told him that it was these exact experiences that helped me see life differently. They were the one reality that I could hold onto, knowing that it was love that held us together and others were willing to help not only me, but humanity.
If you don't know who Sri is, he is one of the documented cases of twin flames. He and his flame, Mira, also called "Mother", were stationed in India servicing humanity and teaching about the consciousness of it. Sri has been a common thread between myself and Dr Maurie Pressman. Appearing to us both, prompting us to continue on this journey. I honor all that Maurie has done and is still doing in this work. It is, after all, a collective effort.
When I say "hood", I just think it's a cool way to refer to the "Brotherhood". The Brotherhood is a group of souls who are dedicated to the work of raising the consciousness of humanity. I have found them both very loving and selfless.
So one of the last times I went into meditation one of the members had me write something down that I am posting today. It's subject matter is the Divine Compliment:
"Divine Compliment means the other half of the soul. The soul is made up of many parts but there are two vibrations of light that resonate with each other most often in tune with the vibration of the other. This is divine compliment. We say compliment because it is not the same, it is whole but different. Each with its own vibration and frequency adding to the whole.
Many worlds have been formed on the idea of identity. This we speak of is based on unity. For each sphere of light there is another sphere of darkness. Within the whole is a complex pattern of identities and wholeness. It starts with a spark of a ray carried forth within another dimension that sends forth a flame. Within the flame there are several parts like atoms of light floating through the vast world of form. The flames are comprised of seven octaves of light . These octaves take the form of twins . One male and one female forming a whole but radiating at the same frequency.
Seven octaves mean not only a light frequency but a sound vibration. The resident vibration of sound creates the soul made manifest in the world of form. These light bodies then emulate the being you call a human. We are not different on this side of the veil, we are only lighter in vibration. The density of the body is what makes the third world dimension real to you and often mundane to us. Third world form is stagnant in vibration. We move quicker and travel lighter"
Interesting that he has made reference to sound vibration when the very nature of the sound of "Om" has long been referred to as the very sound of creation.
Fantastic, Deborah. Thank you for sharing it with us. :)
Thank you for your kindness Reni :)
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