Yesterday in Detroit Kwame Kilpatrick, the former mayor of the City of Detroit was found guilty on 24 counts of racketeering and extortion. Sometimes it is only time that has to play out in order for some things to come to light. Even in Michael's death, I expect the same.
Here on earth we have built systems like the judicial system to keep people in line and uphold justice for the many, but what about on the other side? Do we just die and all live in heavenly bliss for eternity or is there a little more to it?
There is an order for all things. Even in nature do we see the progression of the birthing of a flower. It doesn't happen all at once, it happens gradually over time and in it's own fashion. Twin flames also come together gradually and in their own time and in their own fashion. Nothing can happen all at once because there is an order and learning that must be kept in divine time. Sometimes our souls need a "check up" to see how far along we have come and what might be the best course of action for us in our lives.
Many years ago, when Michael was living, we tried to come together physically. We often would come face to face with one another in the same location. Staring at each other, then sometimes not even being able to do that. Other times we'd just look at each other and giggle. We could not, however, be present in one another's physical life.
This sounds strange and for me at the time it was very perplexing. However, I would often hear my divine guidance telling me not to approach him and often would have dreams of people at a table deciding my fate. After a while of trying to make something happen after you find out who your twin flame is, you learn to put it on the back burner and wait for divine direction and guidance. In the year 2000 I found out about a benefit that was going to be in LA. I thought to go and asked Michael if he was going. What a nice place to meet, I thought. It was a benefit for children and would be a nice platform for our work together, or so I thought. I still had not met Elizabeth Taylor and wanted to. I was so amazed at her real friendship with Michael and wanted to thank her personally for what she had done for him and standing by his side for so many years. Michael said he was going so I took my wishes to the "board" that night and asked for their approval.
I know some people think that flames are just drawn together and it's all earthly, but it's not. You WILL have counsel and there IS a process. These unions are not just for love, they are for planetary service. My requests were taken to the "karmic board" many times and even on this occasion I was refused. I did not understand it at the time and it all seemed like a very cruel and unusual punishment. Since, however, I have come to learn to respect their decision and even agree with it. I was not ready for a physical union with him and it would have been detrimental to us both and to our work had it come to fruition at that point in time.
The experience was as if I was present at a board meeting in a conference room. The members there voted on whether or not they thought it was a good idea. One member in particular, pounded his fist against the conference table and adamantly denied my request. I was kind of mad, to tell you the truth, but something inside let me know that he was right and by all means should I obey his request.
Michael and Elizabeth ended up going to the Carousel of Hope Ball and the photos of them remain my favorites still to this day.
So who is this "Karmic Board" and what is their function? For me I only know that they are a group of individuals who help the life streams navigate their life paths here on earth. They know what karma we have to over come and what we have left to do. They help govern our spiritual development.
There are others that seem more apprised of their functions and luckily we have a reader that has written an article on this very special group at my request. Thank you so much Reni! Here is "What is "The Karmic Board?" by Reni Sentana-Ries
Here on earth we have built systems like the judicial system to keep people in line and uphold justice for the many, but what about on the other side? Do we just die and all live in heavenly bliss for eternity or is there a little more to it?
There is an order for all things. Even in nature do we see the progression of the birthing of a flower. It doesn't happen all at once, it happens gradually over time and in it's own fashion. Twin flames also come together gradually and in their own time and in their own fashion. Nothing can happen all at once because there is an order and learning that must be kept in divine time. Sometimes our souls need a "check up" to see how far along we have come and what might be the best course of action for us in our lives.
Many years ago, when Michael was living, we tried to come together physically. We often would come face to face with one another in the same location. Staring at each other, then sometimes not even being able to do that. Other times we'd just look at each other and giggle. We could not, however, be present in one another's physical life.
This sounds strange and for me at the time it was very perplexing. However, I would often hear my divine guidance telling me not to approach him and often would have dreams of people at a table deciding my fate. After a while of trying to make something happen after you find out who your twin flame is, you learn to put it on the back burner and wait for divine direction and guidance. In the year 2000 I found out about a benefit that was going to be in LA. I thought to go and asked Michael if he was going. What a nice place to meet, I thought. It was a benefit for children and would be a nice platform for our work together, or so I thought. I still had not met Elizabeth Taylor and wanted to. I was so amazed at her real friendship with Michael and wanted to thank her personally for what she had done for him and standing by his side for so many years. Michael said he was going so I took my wishes to the "board" that night and asked for their approval.
I know some people think that flames are just drawn together and it's all earthly, but it's not. You WILL have counsel and there IS a process. These unions are not just for love, they are for planetary service. My requests were taken to the "karmic board" many times and even on this occasion I was refused. I did not understand it at the time and it all seemed like a very cruel and unusual punishment. Since, however, I have come to learn to respect their decision and even agree with it. I was not ready for a physical union with him and it would have been detrimental to us both and to our work had it come to fruition at that point in time.
The experience was as if I was present at a board meeting in a conference room. The members there voted on whether or not they thought it was a good idea. One member in particular, pounded his fist against the conference table and adamantly denied my request. I was kind of mad, to tell you the truth, but something inside let me know that he was right and by all means should I obey his request.
Michael and Elizabeth ended up going to the Carousel of Hope Ball and the photos of them remain my favorites still to this day.
So who is this "Karmic Board" and what is their function? For me I only know that they are a group of individuals who help the life streams navigate their life paths here on earth. They know what karma we have to over come and what we have left to do. They help govern our spiritual development.
There are others that seem more apprised of their functions and luckily we have a reader that has written an article on this very special group at my request. Thank you so much Reni! Here is "What is "The Karmic Board?" by Reni Sentana-Ries
Oh, by the way, Debbie, thank you so much for the link to my article on the Karmic Board, with information given to us by the Mancharians. Good Night. -Reni :)
Reni Sentana-Ries has left a new comment on your post "A Glimpse at Spiritual Politics - The Karmic Board...":
Thank you so much, for your frankness in sharing with your readers such a personal issue out of your life. You are indeed very bold in allowing others to evaluate your most heart-felt sentiments even at the peril of being misjudged by people with little or no understanding into the topic at hand.
I have on occasion mentioned to my wife "Every time, Seila, we publish an article or make a comment on the net, we put our reputation on the line by what we say, and need to make sure we can hold our ground against those who perhaps think they know better."
Anyhow, as for myself I have always viewed the Karmic Board as a group of evolved entities becoming involved in our lives in the format as councilors between incarnations in giving guidance and instructions on where we can do better and make wiser decisions than what they have observed us doing in previous incarnations.
And so I am not familiar with the notion that any of these members of the board attempt to interfere with our personal choices we make in this life - be they right or wrong. I think we have liberty down here to really make a mess of our lives and have found no one with power enough to stop us, except perhaps the law, and even then we pay the price for our mistaken choices.
If ever we have friends in the true sense of the word, we have them in the members of the Karmic Board. Thanks again for your fine posting, and have a good evening. -Reni :)
Thank you for your comment Reni. Forgive my having to repost under my name..I inadvertently hit delete instead of publish.
When it comes to twin flames and the karmic board there is a stage of the union or non union wher your free will is no longer an issue. At this stage you have transcended free will and left the union or non union in the hands of the divine. The decision then is made as a whole and counsel is given for what would be best for all involved. Do you still have a choice at this point, of course, but if you have been on the path for years and worked hard to gain a higher ground why would you choose otherwise? You know within what is best.
Indeed, Debbie. Thank you for explaining it to me. -Reni :)
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