The coming of the end of the Mayan Calendar this December has brought with it many doomsday prophecies and the media has not been hesitant in infusing fear into the masses. Matter of fact, my television is barely on these days, knowing that most of the stories reported are of how bad our economy is, which country is against which country, or of more terrorist bombings.
While many unconscious folk remain in the rut of reliving and feeding off fear and upset, there are others who will remain constant in their "knowing" that the illusions that the media and the world are now creating are absolutely not real. It's easy to become entangled in the words of another. For many, seeing something in print or on the television automatically makes it true. This unconscious pattern of thinking is what needs to be prodded into in order to be able to navigate your true path in the world.
If thoughts are made manifest, what are these fearful thoughts doing when you accept them into your space? They will have an emotional, physical and even spiritual effect on you. Once created in the mind your own being will recreate the thoughts within you in every level of your being. What you think is true, becomes true for you, whether or not in reality it actually is. This one premise of understanding that the consciousness of all is truly on many levels, allows you to safeguard your being. Just as our thoughts create negative patterns of energy within ourselves, so do another's words should you let them become your thoughts as well.
Go back even to your childhood or to a time in your life when things went badly. Statements that were made to you like "you're fat" still most likely play an enormous part on your inner landscape. They are most often simple words. Seemingly not amounting to anything. They seem innocent at first, but should you let them into your own state of being , they can be very upsetting to your life for many years.
Safeguarding our being while others live in fear or gossip about the bad news of the world, means taking responsibility for the choices we make when accepting the truth for ourselves. We can ask "is it true?" before accepting it as part of our inner landscape, or even "is it true for me?".
Navigating through the next few months try to be mindful of the statements being made around you. Observe yourself and how you either accept the thought as your own or reject it. Observe the way your body reacts upon hearing any news or words from another and you'll be on your way to mastering one of the best techniques for safeguarding your being.
This, like other avenues of self mastery, is one of the steps that will allow you to become closer to conscious union with your twin flame.
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