Our definition of our lives is brought about by many things. Our past conditioning, our feelings about ourselves and where we THINK we are going. When we feel we are on an upswing in our lives, maybe on the fast track with our career, we might feel we are on the road to success. But what happens when something changes and we lose that opportunity or something changes in our personal lives, like sickness that changes the road we thought we had before us?
Living this life is like becoming an explorer. We have to explore ourselves to the deepest depths to find what we are truly made of. We have to explore our world and see how we fit into the master plan. Sometimes as we traverse our path we tend to think we consciously have control of where we are going. However, most of us know that's not really the case. We have other factors that lead to our destiny, mostly those that are unseen.
When I look at these things, the unseen ones, I think about a network in the universe. That network connects everything and everyone. What I feel, what I think and what is held in my subconscious mind and the mind of the soul is continually transmitting signals through that network. I am creating, just not fully realizing all that I am creating. When we allow our conscious mind to take a back seat and let the navigation of our soul take over in wonderment, here begins our true journey.
Suddenly our lenses of perception drop away. We begin to see our true reality and who we truly are. Watching as the symphonic orchestra of life plays through us and the entire universe begins to conspire to bring to manifest all that we have ever hoped and dreamed. The key is in letting this happen with out the fight of the conscious mind thinking it knows what is right.
We are all living proof as we take part in each other destinies, either good or bad, that this world we live in is truly connected. We need only look through different lenses of perception to realize it.
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