In yoga philosophies there is a law called detachment. With detachment you mentally and emotionally detach from your thoughts. Sometimes people do this when faced with trauma; they detach from the situation. Although there is much comfort in groups of people who share the same ideas, in family systems, in countries and in societies the fact remains that we are still all unperfected beings creating misqualified energy. We are all using our thoughts and actions of the ego to interact with each other most of the time. So to come to a place where you truly begin to know where your greatness lies, you must learn to detach from those things.
This takes a little effort on your part. It's similar to watching your thoughts and observing your feelings. At this juncture, however, you must notice those things that hold you back in life. It may be that someone you love has instilled in you the belief that you will never be more than you are. It could be that you live in a place in the world that has been poverty stricken for many years and it is a belief in your society that you will never live in abundance.
This juncture requires you to shed those beliefs. To stand in your God truth which says all things are possible and obtainable because God or Allah, our true source, is all things. You have been created by His energy. It lives in you. We only need to access it to make those things manifest in our lives that we choose to but first we must detach from those things that limit us.
Create a space for yourself when ever a thought or emotion comes up that you notice is holding you back. It could be a tense feeling like Michael had when his father walked into the room, making him feel ugly or a thought or fear that you won't have enough to eat today. Observe this event then immediately tell yourself that you don't need to feel or think that way any more. That this particular thing was not created by God, Allah or a higher source. It has been created out of something distorted - it is misqualified creative energy. You will no longer accept it into your life. Replace it with the belief and feeling that you deserve and will obtain more for yourself because this is your true inheritance from no earthy form, but from God the father Himself.
There are many things that happen in our lives that seem unfair and hurtful. There are many abuses that people suffer. I've heard it said "it happens all the time." My view is that it might happen all the time, but we certainly don't have to accept it into our lives.
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