Make yourself aware of the changes that are taking place in the world today. Seems like everything has been thrown up in the air, and we are waiting to see where everything lands. Most systems, partnerships, marriages, even careers are all being reviewed right now. It's time to let go of our worn out patterns and step into a new lighter way of being.
What new patterns would you like to set up for yourself for the next chapter of your life? Taking steps in the right direction include eliminating toxic thoughts, reminding yourself that you are a divine being and that anything is possible. You are not limited by your race, your age, your gender or your status in life. The only limitations you have in this life, are those you place on yourself.
Stepping forward into the light means to come to terms with the fact that you are indeed a emanation of light from the creator Himself. Who would have thought that you were so powerful? Who would have thought that you could create anything you desired? Stepping fully forward means letting go of the darkness in your life. Maybe it was a traumatic experience, a bad relationship, parental abandonment, or your inner self critic. More than likely any of these and all of these kinds of experiences you have stored in your memory, your thoughts and your body as feelings.
There were many things that I found out about Michael after he passed that we had in common that I never realized. One of those things was that we are both huge advocates of self help books. You can take yourself very far by focusing inward on what your thoughts are and how you feel. We did some exercises with the Man in the Mirror project before that asked you to ask yourself questions about different emotions that come up. This is the best way to let go of your darkness.
For instance, if you are feeling cross or angry, ask yourself why. Is it because of something someone else did or said? If it's something they did, are you responsible for it? If the answer is yes, perhaps you are placing responsibility upon yourself when you shouldn't be. Letting each of us be responsible for our own selves empowers us individually. No matter how much you care or love someone else, you really do them an injustice by taking irresponsibility for those things they should be learning themselves. Let it go.
Was is something someone said? If it was, the you have to ask yourself "Is it true?". Most often the answer to this one is "No.". Most people that say things that upset us, say them out of spite, anger, or jealousy. Most often those are the things that aren't true. If it's not true, why take their anger, spite or jealousy on? Let them be miserable if they'd like. You can decide to be happy. If it is true, then decide if you'd like to change it. Look at yourself through the eyes of a child, knowing you can and will make mistakes, but you can always choose to learn from them and move on.
If it's a past hurt, like abandonment or trauma, we might have a tendency to repeatedly ask ourselves "what did I do to deserve this?". You most likely have carried these types of wounds with you for many years. Some may be physical, but you can choose to heal the emotional hold they have on you. Is it true that you really think you deserved what happened? Or was it a result of someone else's choice that affected you so terribly? What is it that you can change about what you are projecting or thinking that can help you stay away from similar situations in the future? Chances are it was someone else that made a choice and you have accepted the responsibly to live with what you perceive as the consequences.
I'd like to challenge you to change that perception. Let's say your parents gave you up for adoption, or abandoned you completely. Most likely you feel rejected or feel you will be rejected by most every other relationship you have in your life. This was your first relationship, so how could you not? What if instead of thinking the problem in this scenario was you, you decide to accept the fact that they made their choice based only on the knowledge and thinking they had at the time. More than likely, it had nothing to do with you or if they said it did, nothing to do with the real you. Other people do not define us, we do. For some reason because it is our parental relationship we feel they should love us no matter what - and, in a perfect world they should. But I think we all know if we were all perfect we wouldn't be here. Everyone makes mistakes, judgments, and from time to time wrong thinking. Even our parents.
You see it's all energy. What we think and feel, we become. What we project out to the world with our thoughts and feelings, we bring to us. So lighten your load and let go of your darkness. As Neville Goddard has said "A change of feeling, is a change of destiny."
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