The Mayan calendar ends on December 21st 2012 and they have predicted the end of an old reality. The famous prophet Edgar Cayce said that by the end of the New Age of Aquarius, we will become a completely telepathic civilization. This is a 5th dimensional state of being.
As I've stated here before, Twin Flames have a special contribution to this "shift" into the new reality. Many twins are coming together and the energy on the planet is being changed.
There are interesting synchronicities that often pave the way to twin flame reunions. They often involve the numbers 11:11. This is common in Twin Flame soul unions. Eleven is considered to be a master number and is thought to be the number of the spiritual messenger. Two 'ones' are united to form pillars to the heavenly gate - the connection between yin and yang, female and male. The significance of two into one is the perfect symbol of a Twin Flame.
Most every meeting I had with Michael involved synchronicity. It seemed and still seems almost unbelievable at times how things "magically" came together. Most interesting to me was the dates of events. For instance I first thought a boy in the sixth grade was my "twin". His birthday was 5-20. That date rang out to me, and I thought sure it was "him" until I didn't get the vibe. Years later I was overcome with the feeling I had to leave town to meet Michael. The date of 5-20 stuck out in my mind. I later received a postcard from a local radio station that had a song of the day for every day of May. We were to meet in Disney World and the contest "just happened" to be for a trip to Disney World. The song of the day for 5-20 was "Will You Be There", by Michael Jackson. I didn't have money to go to Disney, but knew I had to be there to see him. It was very important.
Turned out that meeting was very important. Michael followed me around with Lisa Marie Presley and her two children during that trip. I knew he was there, however, didn't recognize his disguise (as pictured at right). I actually thought it was someone "creepy" and tried to get away from him. I finally "got it" when I got home. He was shown in a clip on Entertainment Tonight on the television. They remarked how bad his disguise was and I felt stupid for not recognizing him.
The press reported that they were married on the 18th of May (see this link) However, they were both in Disney at that time. I know, I was there. So that would be hard to believe for me personally. I remember the "news" coming out and what is "reported" isn't always what is true. I think they have like five different wedding dates.
Anyway, when he passed I still didn't really know about the 11 thing. I was on a call with Dr. Maurie Pressman, author of Twin Souls, Finding Your True Spiritual Partner. He asked what date(s) we met on, if there was an 11 associated with them. At first I said no. The first date that popped out was 5-20. I was thinking maybe 7, but not eleven. Then I started seeing 11:11 on the clock and thought it was just because he mentioned it and I was starting to pay attention. Thinking back, I then realized Michael asked me to meet him in Paris when I was down there. At first at thought "What?! Paris? You mean France?", but he meant in Epcot. The date was 5-19-1994. I remember because when we got back to the room I had heard Jackie Onassis had passed. Then adding those numbers together 5+1+9+1+9+9+4=38 Then adding the 3 and 8 together = 11.
I didn't know still why 11 didn't just pop out at me. I'd remembered after he first passed I had just wanted him to go on to the light. I didn't want to hold him here by my thoughts, yet I kept feeling him around me. I had taken my older son to college and by the time we got there it was late so we ordered pizza to be delivered to the room. I remember thinking to myself, "gosh I really feel Michael strongly right now, but why would he be here? I'm sure he's gone on to the light. I'd get some sort of sign if he was really here."
So what exactly does this mean? Numbers carry with them a "vibrational" energy. The number 11 obviously resonates with something very spiritual, and most often a message of some sort. Many times if twins are to meet in this lifetime, they will also have the number 11 in their birth dates. Michael's birth day was on 8-29 where the 2 and 9 would add up to 11. Mine is in November, the eleventh month of the year. Kind of makes you think there just might be a divine order to all things after all!
The video below talk about "Indigo" children and the future. Many children coming to the planet right now are telepathic. It does seem as if this "new reality" is definitely coming upon us.
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