
Visitations with Sri - Wisdom of the Heart

"The heart knows true love.  One that is rich in color, vibrant and radiant.  Love is felt on many levels, in many countries, in many religions.  Why is love so important?

We seem to put an emphasis on money.  We have seemed to misplaced love.  Where did it go?  Is love that illusive?  Does it hide in the shadows?  Is it a fad that has gone out of style or a notion someone once made up?

Love is none of these things.  It is the fabric that holds together our very existence - it creeps in from your heart when you smile - it holds your breath when you marvel at a sunset.  It crushes your spirit when someone close to you dies.  Love is not illusive.  Love is not a shadow.  It plays in our thoughts, makes itself known in our everyday dealings.  The more you pay attention to love, the more love seeks you out.

Be that today - Love.  Look love straight in the eye and say I AM Love.  For today is the rest of your life.  Live it like you believe in love.  Live it in the joy of love.  Witness it in the people you love.  In the touch of a hand, an extended glance, a flower in bloom or a brilliant star.  All of these things are love, but so are you.

Imagine if someone looked at you and exclaimed "You are love."  What would you look like?  How would you act?  What might you do?  Ponder this today and in your world be love.  For it is in love we will find true happiness, true salvation and the reason for our very existence."

Sri Aurobindo
Mother with Daisies

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