As we approach Christmas I'd like to focus on the history of one of the greatest stories ever told. Many believe that Mary Magdeline herself was the twin flame of Jesus. Holding the energy balance and vibration in the planet to inspire and infuse great change for all of humanity. She was, after all, the one that was supposed to carry on the mission of his church.
So this season I'd like to dedicate this twin flame blog on focusing on what is really happening in stories like these when we decide to make our way back home and serve humanity with our flames.
The Moral: As you become more Christ like in your ascension, there will be those that desert you, those that try to control you, those that try to humiliate you, and those that are not willing to believe you. When this happens remember the story of Christ. That he is believed by millions of people and that each year this same story is told over and over - people believe in it don't they? Or are they merely professing they do?
Many of us have thoughts about the birth of Christ, yet sometimes I wonder if we ever really have thought about the life and birth of the greatest man to visit the planet.
If all that happened over 2000 years ago happened today, what would the news look like? How would the characters who shaped the faith of many be feeling and would the message truly get to those who needed it? Lets take a look:
What happened? An Angel came to Mary to tell her she was going to have a son.
Mary's possible reaction: "What?! I'm not even in a relationship and you said what?! They will stone me!"
The publics reaction: "Are you sure Mary? Are you sure you saw an Angel and he spoke to you? Why you Mary, why not someone holy? You know the fine for being pregnant without marriage."
Today's public reaction: "Yeah, she probably got knocked up by some guy and is trying to cover herself."
National Enquirer Headline: "Woman claims space alien invader foretold the coming of her child! More inside." Mary's picture is plastered on the paper and the other national headlines pick her story up. She is now followed and photographed where ever she goes. People chiding after her, "Is it true Mary, you think you have the son of God in your womb?!"
How does Mary feel? Ridiculed, ashamed, maybe even disbelieving herself?
What happened? The wise men follow the stars that have foretold of the coming birth of the Christ child.
The publics reaction: "Did you hear about those crazy guys thinking some great kid is going to be born?"
The wise men's possible reaction: "Well boys that's what the stars indicate. Lets take a chance."
Today's public reaction: "Listen to this. Three nut cases traveled days in the desert thinking they were going to find some special baby. Where did they end up? At a stable somewhere in the East with some homeless people staying inside!"
National Enquirer Headline: "Three alien invaders take to their camels seeking the golden child."
What Happened? Jesus grew to a man and taught the people that the kingdom of God could be found within - He claimed he was the son of God.
Public reaction: "Son of God?! Who does he think he is?! Kill him! He has more people that like him than me.
Jesus's reaction: "Father, forgive them. They know not what they do."
How Jesus might have felt: "Everyone has betrayed me. Even those that I thought were my closest friends have in the end deserted me. Father, what have I done to deserve this? Preach love, heal the sick?"
National Enquirer Headline: Nothing. They don't take notice. It's just a crazy person trying to get attention. There is other more controversial news that sells and Jesus feels that his mission has failed.

But if you do, why then would you not believe in angels or the power in God or a higher power to help direct your life?
This season as you remember the story of Christ remember that you too can trust, know and believe.
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