What is the definition of conspiracy? According to law, conspiracy is an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act. I've seen many posts regarding the "players" involved in Michael's murder. Michael has told me some things that I haven't revealed, hoping that in time I would be able to reveal them to the right party in order to get justice. However, I've recently run across a few things that LaToya just made statements about. Perhaps it's time to let go of some details.
Michael and I have discussed the night of his murder many times. Some of what he had said was that Paris saw someone the night of his murder. I actually sent a letter to the family last year with this information, hoping that it would help with their discovery. He also, obviously as I've posted it previously, had stated that "someone gave him a shot".
I recently came across this video of LaToya taken on 11-20-11 where she confirms both of these details. Listen to who else they say was in the house that night:
Randy Phillips?! Wasn't he the guy that had such an resemblance to the past life Casanova in my previous post? Wasn't he the one with his hands over his mouth in the picture that I likened to the body language of Bill Clinton when he said he never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky? Yes.

What do these three men have in common? In the spirit of Christmas, ELF might say they "sit on a throne of lies!"
Matter of fact in the post about the Dr Seuss rhyme and the discovery of AEG filing for copyrights of the This Is It film footage, that's EXACTLY what I was talking about. Dileo and him ransacked the home, taking out songs, contracts, paperwork, including Michaels NEW will AND appointment of his new executors.
"With a little Dr Seuss humor, where exactly did Michael have all of his unreleased material? Was it at a house? With a mouse? Or in car? Carried far?"
I sent the LA County DA's office this on November 13, since I had testimony evidence to back up what Michael had said:
To: webmail@da.lacounty.gov
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 10:56 PM
Subject: Attn: Deborah Brazil/David Walgren
Dear Ms Brazil and Mr.
I have some information related
to the death of Michael Jackson and hope that your department may be continuing
an investigation.
noticed the
testimony of the girl Conrad Murray met, you know the one he was talking to on
the phone when Conrad Murray found Michael apparently not breathing? She heard
mumbled voices. Conrad and Michael were not the only ones in that
Dileo was also there as well as another individual. The evidence pointing to
this is here:
On June 25th,
Frank Dileo called Randy Phillips to tell him Michael had been taken ill. He
drove quickly to the house in time to see the ambulance and the family cars
leaving the property. He followed them to the UCLA Medical Center and was there
all day.http://www.mjworld.net/news/2011/10/25/court-report-11/
I don't remember hearing this
if it was in court, but
this is what Frank said during an interview:
“I was having lunch at the Beverly Hilton.
And I got a phone call from a fan who was said, ‘Frank, do you know there's an
ambulance in front of Michael's house?’
And I said, no, I don't,
but I'm going to look right into it. And I hung up. I called Michael's
assistant. And I said -- his
name is Michael, also.
I said Michael, is there an ambulance at
the house?
He said, that's what I
heard. He said, I'm on my way.
And I said, well, I'll be there in one second. I went in to get my ticket for
the car. And I called Randi Phillips (of AEG) and said look, you're closer to
Michael's house than I am at this moment. Go there right away, I'll meet you
there. Drove there, the ambulance had already left, asked Randy. He turned
around. I came from the other direction. I went to pull in, they said, Frank, he
left. I said where did he go? To the hospital. I drove to
I don't know, but how would a "fan" have
Frank Dileo's cell number? Both of these stories conflict. One he is
following them, the other he was too late. I guess we won't find out because
Frank died just before the trial was due to start. And Michael's assistant
saying that's what he heard? According to his testimony he was only told to go
to the home. 911 wasn't even called yet. He apparently didn't know until he
got there:
Following the commands of Conrad Murray, Alvarez
is then told to call 911 and he immediately does so. And what you'll learn is
that 911 call was made at 12:20 p.m. What you'll also learn from the evidence is
that phone call was not made at 11:56 or thereabouts when Sade Anding had heard
the phone go dead and heard commotion in the background. That 911 call was not made at 12:12 p.m. when
the defendant called Michael Amir Williams to say there had been a problem. That
911 call was not made at 12:15 when Michael Amir Williams returned the call and
spoke to Conrad Murray who only relayed to him that he needed to get there right
away. The 911 call was instructed to be made by Conrad Murray at 12:20
Dileo video on MJ's death day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcBeq1GH97c&feature=related confirming the above AND ironically he's
telling time: He says he had an "early" lunch, 11:30- "lunch just arrived" he
said when a call came in from a fan to say there was an ambulance at MJ's house
. . note: 911 wasn't called until 12:20 . . .
I'm wondering if Michael Amir's phone records confir this or
not. I believe Michael Amir Williams was involved in covering up pertinent
evidence or involved - who else was fingerprinted to match the prints on the IV
bag? I believe there were two other vehicles that entered into the gates that
day: a red jaguar and an older blue sedan. I believe there was another
individual that works for Conrad Murray that was present. Brown hair , white,
in his early thirties, standing 5'9" - 5'10", shorter hair, dark beard, was
wearing sunglasses, short sleeved shirt with red stripes(piping) on his pants
(jeans) . Hair parted to the side, freckles, round mouth and puggy nose, open
I believe Nicole Alverez has(had) evidence contained in her
vehicle relating to this case. I believe that one of the above mentioned
vehicles was hers.
The motive for Frank to be there was on the board with
Sony/ATV who was after Michael's catalog of music. AEG made sure the contract
Michael signed included the clause if the concerts were not performed they would
get those rights. They made it impossible for Michael to do so and so did get
the rights. AEG made a deal with Sony and the executers of the estate. The
home where Michael stayed was owned and payed for by AEG, CM was supposed to be
paid by AEG, and Frank Dileo was supposed to be paid by AEG - his wife has the
contract. Or should I say fronted the money by AEG. The money changing hands
seems to be an issue as the security personnel, I believe, were also being paid
directly or indirectly by AEG. Has anyone checked the accounts for large sum
wire transfers since the verdict of Conrad Murray?
There is a notebook(black padded) that apparently contains
some times(3:25 am) from Murray, and things that are missing from Michael's
home: cash, jewelry, rehearsal items. a will, guardianship papers, stock
options, songs that were written, lawyer rights to songs. He told Paris that
daddy's going to feel better one day. Then it became daddy needs to rest to lay
down and get well. She was like a little mother. She told him "don't worry
daddy I'll take care of you"..He was cold and his fingers were going
I've contemplated sending this, but at this
point have no reason not to and hope you see no reason not to check it out.
So that was the email sent with no response. What I did learn, is that Frank DiLeo was not a very good lier. In the video and in his explanation it is apparent that he is "over" explaining, then conflicting his statements. I find it especially interesting that he calls Randy Phillips to let him know right away before he even knows what's going on to tell him that Michael is ill. Again, I wonder if this is reflected in the phone records, that should have been given and in the hands of the LA District Attorney's office...YES, this would be evidence . . YOU ASKED, We're GIVING IT . . PLEASE LISTEN . . BECAUSE . . Here is what's going on in the mean time...
The Estate has asked for restitution for the kids. See this article:
Now what they don't report is where is the restitution going? In Paris's bank account? No, to the Estate perhaps? More than likely. Then low and behold what will they do with the money then, set it aside for the kids? No. . that would be the "right" thing to do. . This is what the executors of the Estate and Sony have been up to. Remember the Conrad Murray stint, his interview on TV that had everyone up in arms? It was televised on 11/11. What do you do when you don't want someone to pay attention to what you are doing? You create a diversion. Good ole Dr. Murray, stepped right into a whole pile of *@. . because while his documentary was airing this is what his bed buddies were doing:
11/11/2011 | 09:55 pm
New York, London and Abu Dhabi -- An investor group comprised of Sony Corporation of America ("SCA"), in conjunction with the Estate of Michael Jackson; Mubadala Development Company PJSC; Jynwel Capital Limited; the Blackstone Group's GSO Capital Partners LP; and David Geffen (the "Group") announced today the execution of a definitive agreement, whereby the Group will acquire EMI Music Publishing from a wholly-owned subsidiary of Citigroup, Inc. ("Citi") for total consideration of $2.2 billion.
The transaction is subject to certain closing conditions, including regulatory approvals. Following the acquisition, Sony/ATV Music Publishing and its strong and experienced management team will help oversee EMI Music Publishing on behalf of the Group. Sony/ATV Music Publishing is co-owned by subsidiaries of SCA and trusts formed by the Estate of Michael Jackson.
Sony/ATV, a joint venture between Sony Corp. and the Michael Jackson estate, is a 38 percent partner in the consortium
Can you say "users"? So a few things here. The obvious is that all the money that is "supposedly" being set aside for the kids is going to purchase other assets. I'm quite sure the kids aren't going to see even half of what they should by time the Executors are done with taking salaries and transferring assets.
Secondly, you see the part about "trusts" formed by the Estate of Michael Jackson? Well, word has is LA County's court system is corrupt. Seems this is a common practice for the LA County court. Specifically to take money from ‘special funds’ and ‘trust funds’of taxpayer cases filed in federal” and state courts. This was taken from the California Attorney Fine's case. (Just in case you are an attorney and are looking for information for your case regarding the Murder of Michael Jackson)State Supreme Court Judges & State Bar Officials Target Of Corruption Lawsuit
When I first heard the words "follow the money", I tended to think in simple terms, however, this is quite a web of deceit. There are several grounds for legal action here. Self dealing(conflict of interest) in relation to the executors of the Estate of Michael Jackson and their financial interest in Sony/ATV, conspiracy charges, based on evidence collected from Michael's children (the evidence I was looking for when I listed the items I wanted to come out in Conrad Murray's testimony) and phone records, court transcripts from CM case and Frank Dileo's statements regarding Michael's death and last but not least, I'm told there are some accounts in Dubai that have transferred some money to some people as "hush" money. If I was going to represent anything in court, I might ask for bank statements from Sony/ATV, including those accounts in Dubai. It might be interesting to find out who and when money was transferred. This is new for me. They don't like the "paper" anymore I suppose . . just transfer it . . from out of the country!
What Michael said about Sony and what he was entitled to in 2002:
“First let me say, I really don’t like to talk that much. I really don’t. I prefer to perform than talk.
Let me just say this; the tradition of great performers from, and I really want you to hear what I have to say, from Sammy Davis Junior, James Brown, to Jackie Wilson, to Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly. The story is usually the same though. These guys worked really hard at their craft but the story ends the same. They usually are broken, torn and usually just sad, because the companies take advantage of them, they really do.
Sony, being the artist that I am at Sony, I've generated several billion dollars for Sony, several billon. They really thought that my mind is always on music and dancing. It usually is, but they never thought that this performer, myself, would out think them.
So, we can't let them get away with what they're trying to do, because now I'm a free agent. I just owe Sony one more album. It's just a box set, really, with two new songs which I've written ages ago. Because for every album that I record, I write literally, I'm telling you the truth I write at least 120 songs every album I do. So I can do the box set, just giving them any two songs.
So I'm leaving Sony a free agent, owning half of Sony. I own half of Sony's Publishing and I'm leaving them and they're very angry at me because I just did good business, you know.
So the way they get revenge is to try and destroy my album. But I've always said, you know, art, good art never dies. Thank you, I love 'Unbreakable' (opening track on 'Invincible').
And Tommy Mottola is a devil! I'm not supposed to say what I'm going to say right now, but I have let you know this. Please don't videotape what I am going to say, ok? Turn that off, please. You know what, you know what tape it, I don't mind! Tape it!
Mariah Carey, after divorcing Tommy, came to me crying, crying. She was crying so badly I had to hold her. She said to me, "This is an evil man and Michael, this man follows me." He taps her phones, and he's very, very evil and she doesn't trust him and he is a horrible human being.
We have to continue our drive until he is terminated. We can't allow him to do this to great artistry, we just can't.
I just wanted to let you know, I appreciate everything you've done, you've been amazing.
You're so loyal! Diana, everybody, Waldo, all the people here! I love you all. You've been amazing, I love you!
But still, but still, I promise you, the best is yet to come!"