"Today lets discuss the topic of rainfall. What does rainfall have to do with anything we're talking about? Rainfall is something that almost everyone in the world has experienced. Some people have seen waterfalls, the lucky ones, but most everyone has seen a rainfall. A really good rain when it streams down from the heavens. What does this rain do? Most people would say that the rain waters the earth and helps things grow, but there is something else the rain does. It cleanses the earth as well. From the great flood, to the gentle down pour on a spring morning the rain has always been natures ways to eleviate the dirty grime left on it's creations.
I've heard someone say that we for the most part take care of our bodies by showering and bathing most everyday, but it is with rare occasion, if ever that we cleanse our energies. By that I mean the stuff we collect in our energetic fields that surround us. We all have a rainbow around us of color vibrations emitting light. It's part of who we are. Our thoughts, wishes, plans, feelings, are all stored in this energy field. Sometimes when you're not feeling so well you might have some really dirty parts in it. Sometimes when you are angry, annoyed or even simply fatigued it is evident in this field.
So today because we've been paying so much attention to what's going on inside of us, it's a good time to do a cleaning. Now that we are noticing our negative thought patterns and focusing on changing them, we can begin to do our own "spring cleaning" so to speak to clear away those old energetic patterns. To do this stand with your feet about a foot apart. Place your hands on either side of you and close your eyes. Breath in deeply and release all the tension from your body as you exhale. Visualize a beam of light just above your head. Within that beam of light place a picture. In your minds eye visualize a stream of brilliant white light covering over your forehead and hold it there. The picture in your mind should be that of yourself with a hat or halo over your head. You are now going to bring that light down into your solar plexus (the place just above your belly button.) Holding it there for a moment visualize it as bright as the sun, streaming out from the center of your body. Finally take your light from above and flush it straight down through your entire body like a really hard rain, taking with it anything that no longer serves you in a healthy manner. Place your hands at your heart like you are saying a prayer and repeat after me " I am now at peace. Peace is with me. Peace I Am. My peace is with you God, Allah, whomever you believe in. May you bestow peace to me and peace to our planet. Ah men."
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